Publications Hybrid Solar Cells

Reviews and Commentaries

  1. Gianluca Grimaldi, Bruno Ehrler
    AI et al.: Machines Are About to Change Scientific Publishing Forever
    ACS Energy Letters 8, 1, 878–880 (2023).
  2. Loreta A Muscarella, Bruno Ehrler
    The influence of strain on phase stability in mixed-halide perovskites
    Joule 6, 2016 – 2031 (2022).
  3. Bruno Ehrler
    Unleashing the power of materials science for a sustainable future
    Matter 5, 2386-2389 (2022).
  4. Bruno Ehrler, Anita WY Ho-Baillie, Eline M Hutter, Jovana V Milić, Murad JY Tayebjee, Mark WB Wilson
    Scalable ways to break the efficiency limit of single-junction solar cells
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 010402 (2022).
  5. Bruno Ehrler, Nobuhiro Yanai, Lea Nienhaus
    Up-and down-conversion in molecules and materials
    J. Chem. Phys. 154, 070401 (2021).
  6. Bruno Ehrler, Eline M Hutter, Joseph J Berry
    The Complicated Morality of Named Inventions
    ACS Energy Letters, 6, 2, 565–567 (2021).
  7. Silvia M Ferro, Merlinde Wobben, Bruno Ehrler
    Rare-earth quantum cutting in metal halide perovskites – a review
    Materials Horizons, 8, 1072-1083 (2021).
  8. Bruno Ehrler, Esther Alarcón-Lladó, Stefan W Tabernig, Tom Veeken, Erik C Garnett, Albert Polman
    Photovoltaics Reaching for the Shockley–Queisser Limit
    ACS Energy Letters 5 (9), 3029–3033 (2020).
  9. EC Garnett, B Ehrler, A Polman, E Alarcon-Llado
    Photonics for Photovoltaics–advances and opportunities
    ACS Photonics (2020).
  10. Eline M Hutter, Thomas Kirchartz, Bruno Ehrler, David Cahen, Elizabeth Von Hauff
    Pitfalls and prospects of optical spectroscopy to characterize perovskite-transport layer interfaces
    Applied Physics Letters 116, 100501 (2020).
  11. Jovana V Milić, Bruno Ehrler, Concha Molina, Michael Saliba, Juan Bisquert
    Online Meetings in Times of Global Crisis: Toward Sustainable Conferencing
    ACS Energy Letters 5, 2024–2026 (2020).
  12. Albert Polman, Mark Knight, Erik C Garnett, Bruno Ehrler, Wim C Sinke
    Photovoltaic materials: Present efficiencies and future challenges
    Science 352 (6283), aad4424 (2016).
  13. Wilson, M. W. B.; Rao, A.; Ehrler, B.; Friend, R. H.
    Singlet Exciton Fission in Polycrystalline Pentacene: From Photophysics Toward Devices.
    Accounts of Chemical Research 46, 1330 (2013).

Perovskite Materials Science

Perovskite semiconductors have recently shaken up the solar cell community because no other technology has ever seen such a fast increase in efficiency. We study the fundamental properties of these materials and devices thereof.

Science Cover Photon Recycling in Perovskites

Advanced Materials Cover Pressure Experiments on 2D Perovskites


MSc Theses:

  1. Linda van der Waart
    Quantum dot/Nanowire Hybrid Nanostructure for Solar Cell Applications
    University of Amsterdam (2016)
  2. Maria Antonietta Mione
    t-butyl-Terrylene: novel singlet fission material for highly efficient solar cells
    Utrecht University (2016)
  3. Benjamin Daiber
    Indirect to direct bandgap transition in methylammonium lead halide perovskite

    University of Amsterdam (2016)
  4. Maarten Mennes
    Investigation of singlet fission solar cells from perylene bis(phenethylimide)

    University of Amsterdam (2016)
  5. Ruirt Bosma
    Size-Dependent Open-Circuit Voltage in Lead Sulfide Colloidal Quantum Dot Solar Cells
    University of Amsterdam (2017)
  6. Lucie McGovern
    Managing triplet excitons in singlet fission sensitized pentacene solar cells
    Université Pierre et Marie Curie (2017)
  7. Arnoud Jongeling
    Photon upconversion in an ionic liquid: A pressure study
    Wageningen University and Research Centre (2017)
  8. Steven Verboom
    Nanomaterials for Triplet Exciton Transfer into Silicon
    Wageningen University and Research Centre (2017)
  9. Stefan Tabernig
    Förster resonance energy transfer from PbS quantum dots to silicon: The missing link towards singlet fission solar cells
    University of Amsterdam (2018)
  10. Roan van Leeuwen
    Simulating energy transfer of triplet excitons
    University of Amsterdam & VU University Amsterdam (2018)
  11. Koen van den Hoven
    Harnessing singlet exciton fission to enhance silicon solar cells through direct charge-transfer
    University of Amsterdam (2018)
  12. Joris Bodin
    Triplet Energy Transfer in Singlet Fission Silicon Solar Cells
    University of Amsterdam & VU University Amsterdam (2019)
  13. Isabel Koschany
    Quantification of Ion Migration in Perovskite Solar Cells with Varying Grain Size
    University of Amsterdam (2020)
  14. Emil Kensington
    Modelling Photovoltaic Silicon-based Luminescent Solar Concentrators with Photon Multiplying Luminophores
    University of Amsterdam & VU University Amsterdam (2020)
  15. Marnix Ackermans
    Direct or Indirect? Unraveling the Bandgap Nature of Metal Halide Perovskites
    TU Delft (2020)
  16. Mischa Hillenius
    Factors Impacting the Kramers-Kronig Compliance of Impedance Spectra from Perovskite Solar Cells and the Influence on Equivalent Circuit Modelling
    University of Amsterdam & VU University Amsterdam (2020)
  17. Weiyi Ding
    Quantum Dots for Electron-beam Lithography
    University of Amsterdam (2020)
  18. Menke Knol
    The Effect of Intermediate Band Trap Centres on the Charge-Carrier Dynamics in All-Inorganic Mixed-Halide Perovskite Thin Films
    TU Delft (2021)
  19. Rens van Roosmalen
    Reduced Ion Migration in 2D/3D Perovskite Solar Cells
    University of Amsterdam & VU University Amsterdam (2021)
  20. David Langhorst
    Light-Outcoupling Manipulation of Perovskite LEDs via Nano-Patterning of the Active Layer
    University of Amsterdam (2021)
  21. Toon Maassen
    ‘Looking Inside’ a Perovskite
    University of Amsterdam & VU University Amsterdam (2022)
  22. Oscar van de Water
    Perovskite Memristors for Energy Efficient Computing
    University of Amsterdam (2022)
  23. Floris Blom
    Formation of Complex Perovskite Heterostructures
    University of Amsterdam & VU University Amsterdam (2022)
  24. Thomas Wigmans
    Light Management in Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes via Outcoupling Enhancement
    Utrecht University (2023)
  25. Federico Ravazzolo
    Ionic-electronic interplay in perovskites
    University of Amsterdam (2023)
  26. Jakub Zeid
    Fabrication of Nanoscale Artificial Synapses of Halide Perovskite
    Utrecht University (2023)
  27. Roman Danser
    Utrecht University (2023)
  28. Dimitris Sitaridis
    Fabrication and Electrical Characterization of Synaptic-Transistor Devices Made of Hybrid Metal Halide Perovskite
    Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2024)
  29. Fiona McPartlan
    A Study of the Role of Interfaces in the Degradation of Lead-Tin Perovskite Solar Cells
    University of Amsterdam (2024)

BSc Theses:

  1. Ruby de Hart
    The efficiency and Shockley-Queisser limits of various solar panels under Dutch weather conditions
    Amsterdam University College (2016)
  2. Talia Martz-Oberlaender
    A computational study of the effects of soiling on different solar modules in the Netherlands
    Amsterdam University College (2017)
  3. Toon Maassen
    The effect of light diffuseness on the outdoor performance of thin film solar cells
    University of Amsterdam (2017)
  4. Merlijn Kersten
    Outdoor solar cell performance – Improving a diffuseness measurement tool
    University of Amsterdam (2018)
  5. Andrea Pollastri
    A Novel Multi-Directional Light Detector for Modelling the Cost-Efficiency Benefits of Bi-facial Solar Panels
    Amsterdam University College (2019)
  6. Fabian Ecker
    Investigating Triplet Transfer in Singlet Fission – Low Bandgap Semiconductor Bilayers Using Magnetic Field Effects
    University of Konstanz (2019)
  7. Kaspar Wachinger
    Understanding Seasonal Variations in Bi-facial Gain Predictions by the Light Ambience Detector in AMOLF’s Solar Array
    Amsterdam University College (2020)
  8. Jouke Blum
    Utilising Machine Learning to Predict the Solar Spectrum From All Directions
    University of Groningen (2020)
  9. Georg Klause
    Optical Properties of Perovskite Layers in Patterned Devices
    University of Konstanz (2022)
  10. Sebastian Hein
    Transient Photoluminescence Measurement of Perovskite to Study Ion Migration
    University of Konstanz (2024)

Ultralow-Energy Computing and Ion Migration

Ion migration is one of the most unique features of metal halide peorvskites – it makes them dynamic and enables new functionality, but also destabilizes solar cells and LEDs. We use a range of methods to quantify and control ion migration.

ACS Energy Letters Cover Ion migration in metal halide perovskites

Metal halide perovskites are suitable to build devices that have built-in memory – memristors. These devices can form artificial synapses and neurons that use very little energy for brain-inspired computation.

ACS Energy Letters Cover Ultralow energy computation with artificial synapsees made from halide perovskites

Latest Publications

  • J.J. de Boer and B. Ehrler, Integrated artificial neurons from metal halide perovskites, Mater. Horiz., (2025)

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  • M.C. Schmidt, A.O. Alvarez, J.J. de Boer, L.J.M. van de Ven and B. Ehrler, Consistent Interpretation of Time- and Frequency-Domain Traces of Ion Migration in Perovskite Semiconductors, ACS Energy Lett. 9, 5850-5858 (2024)

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  • J.J. de Boer and B. Ehrler, Scalable Microscale Artificial Synapses of Lead Halide Perovskite with Femtojoule Energy Consumption, ACS Energy Lett. 9, 5787-5794 (2024)

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  • G. Grimaldi, I. Schuringa, J.J. Geuchies, S.A. Rigter, T. Hoekstra, J. Versluis, J. Hidalgo, J.-P. Correa-Baena, J. van de Groep, H. Kim, M. Bonn and B. Ehrler, Atmospheric Exposure Triggers Light-Induced Degradation in 2D Lead-Halide Perovskites, ACS Energy Lett. 9, (12), 5771-5779 (2024)

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  • K. Jäger, S. Burger, U. Aeberhard, E. Alarcón-Lladó, B. Bläsi, B. Ehrler, W. Favre, A. Fejfar, T. Gageot, I. Gordon, H. Helmers, O. Höhn, O. Isabella, M. Jošt, M. Ledinský, J. Mandal, P. Manley, D. Munoz, J.C. Ortiz Lizcano, U.W. Paetzold, A.P. Raman, H. Sai, R. Saive, M. Schmid, E. Yablonovitch and C. Becker: A Roadmap on Optics for Terawatt Scale Photovoltaics In: Advanced Photonics Congress 2024, Technical Digest Series, paper STu2G.5, OPG, 2024.

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  • G. AlSabeh, M. Almalki, S. Kasemthaveechok, M.A. Ruiz-Preciado, H. Zhang, N. Vanthuyne, P. Zimmermann, D.M. Dekker, F.T. Eickemeyer, A. Hinderhofer, F. Schreiber, S.M. Zakeeruddin, B. Ehrler, J. Crassous, J.V. Milić and M. Grätzel, Helical interfacial modulation for perovskite photovoltaics, Nanoscale Adv. 6, (12), 3029-3033 (2024)

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  • R. Kolkowski, A. Berkhout, S.D.C. Roscam Abbing, D. Pal, C.D. Dieleman, J.J. Geuchies, A.J. Houtepen, B. Ehrler and A.F. Koenderink, Temporal Dynamics of Collective Resonances in Periodic Metasurfaces, ACS Photonics 11, (6), 2480-2496 (2024)

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  • T.K. Baikie, B. Daiber, E. Kensington, J. Xiao, N.C. Greenham, B. Ehrler and A. Rao, Revealing the potential of luminescent solar concentrators in real-world environments, Joule 8, (3), 799-816 (2024)

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  • S. Tammireddy, M.N. Lintangpradipto, O. Telschow, M.H. Futscher, B. Ehrler, O.M. Bakr, Y. Vaynzof and C. Deibel, Hysteresis and Its Correlation to Ionic Defects in Perovskite Solar Cells, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 15, (5), 1363-1372 (2024)

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  • K.M.M. Salim, L.A. Muscarella, I. Schuringa, R.A. Miranda Gamboa, J. Torres, C. Echeverría-Arrondo, A.F. Gualdrón-Reyes, J. Rodriguez-Pereira, M.E. Rincon, B. Ehrler, I. Mora-Seró and S. Masi, Tuning the Optical and Structural Properties of Halide Perovskite by PbS Quantum Dot Additive Engineering for Enhanced Photovoltaic Performances, Solar RRL 8, (5), 2300892: 1-15 (2024)

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