dr. Wiebke Albrecht

CV / Biography
Wiebke Albrecht has headed the Hybrid Nanosystems since May 2021. The group focuses on the interaction between different components in complex hybrid nanosystems, such as metal-semiconductor nanostructures by combining advanced electron microscopy and single particle optical spectroscopy on the same nanoparticle.
Before AMOLF, she was a postdoctoral researcher at the Electron Microscopy for Materials Science group at the University of Antwerp and worked on in situ nanoparticle transformations studied in 3D by electron tomography. With a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship, which she partially conducted at the Single-Molecule Optics group of Prof. Michel Orrit at Leiden University, she could combine her interest in advanced electron microscopy and single particle optical spectroscopy. She obtained her PhD in the Soft Condensed Matter group headed by Prof. Alfons van Blaaderen at Utrecht University on laser modification and plasmonic properties of anisotropic metal nanoparticles.