• Remodeling of NanoLab

    Currently, NanoLabNL at AMOLF is being remodeled to further strengthen the facility. Because of the construction work NanoLabNL at AMOLF is closed. The lab expects to re-open on August 1st, …

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  • SEP Committee report

    Every six years the NWO institutes are evaluated by an external international committee according to the so-called Strategy Evaluation Protocol (SEP). In December 2023, an international committee chaired by Professor …

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  • Creating life from lifeless biomolecules with AI and lab evolution

    “What is life? How does a living cell emerge from lifeless molecules?” wondered a multidisciplinary team of Dutch scientists. To answer these questions the research team, with three AMOLF research …

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  • Computing with rubber

    Without electronics carrying out computational tasks our daily lives would look very different. Devices such as elevators, vending machines, turnstiles, washing machines and even traffic lights use a simple form …

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  • AMOLF researcher Marc Serra Garcia gets NWO Grant for his study on Nano-Computers and Energy Efficiency

    AMOLF group leader Marc Serra Garcia has been awarded a grant of 370.000 euro from NWO (Dutch Research Council) in the Open Competition Domain Science. The grant will fund his …

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  • OrganoidNL 2024: Latest advances in organoid research

    On April 12th, the second edition of the OrganoidNL Conference was held at AMOLF. This one-day event united over 160 researchers from the Netherlands and neighboring countries, all passionate about …

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  • Light stands still in a deformed crystal

    AMOLF researchers, in collaboration with Delft University of Technology, succeeded to bring light waves to a halt by deforming the two-dimensional photonic crystal that contains them. The researchers showed that …

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  • Gravitation proposal ANION honored

    The consortium Advanced Nano electrochemistry Institute Of the Netherlands (ANION) receives a Graviation subsidy of 23,6 million euro for research on the fundamental properties of electro chemical processes. The consortium …

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  • New topological metamaterial amplifies sound waves exponentially

    Researchers at AMOLF, in collaboration with partners from Germany, Switzerland, and Austria, have realized a new type of metamaterial through which sound waves flow in an unprecedented fashion. It provides …

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  • Light prefers the extremes

    From monitoring pregnancies to distance detection in cars, light sensors are a workhorse of modern technology. But do we really understand the data they give us? In a surprising find, …

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