dr. Said Rodriguez

CV / Biography
Said Rahimzadeh-Kalaleh Rodriguez is the leader of the Interacting Photons group, starting in November 2017 at the Center for Nanophotonics in AMOLF. Said got his PhD (Cum Laude) at TU Eindhoven, for his research at AMOLF and Philips with Prof. J. Gomez Rivas.
Next he worked at the Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies (France) as a Marie-Curie fellow with Prof. J. Bloch and Dr. A. Amo. Said’s research interests include nanophotonics, nonlinear & quantum optics, and polaritons. He has worked with a wide range of hybrid light-matter systems involving organic and inorganic luminescent materials as well as metallic and dielectric optical resonators.
Currently, he is fascinated with emergent phenomena in driven-dissipative photonic systems with nonlinearity and noise.
Recent publications
S.R.K. Rodriguez, W. Casteels, F. Storme, N. Carlon Zambon, I. Sagnes, L. Le Gratiet, E. Galopin, A. Lemaitre, A. Amo, C. Ciuti, and J. Bloch
Probing a dissipative phase transition via dynamical optical hysteresis
Phys. Rev. Lett.118, 247402 (2017).
Mohammad Ramezani, Alexei Halpin, Antonio I. Fernandez-Dominguez, Johannes Feist, Said Rahimzadeh-Kalaleh Rodriguez, Francisco J. Garcia-Vidal, Jaime Gómez Rivas
Plasmon-exciton-polariton lasing
Optica 4, 31 (2017).
Invited Review: G. Lozano, S. R. K. Rodriguez, M. A. Verschuuren, and J. Gomez Rivas
Metallic nanostructures for efficient LED lighting
Light: Science & Applications 5, e16080 (2016)
S. R. K. Rodriguez, A. Amo, I. Sagnes, L. Le Gratiet, E. Galopin, A. Lemaite, J. Bloch
Interaction-induced hopping phase in driven-dissipative coupled photonic microcavities
Nature Commun. 7, 11887 (2016).