What we do

The Resonant Nanophotonics group was founded at the Center for Nanophotonics, AMOLF in February 2008. Our research focuses on:

  • Subwavelength resonators like plasmonic and metamaterial particles
  • Controlling emission, amplification  and propagation of light at nanometer length scales
  • Hybrid nanophotonics featuring plasmonic mode volumes at microcavity quality factors
  • Quantum optics with single emitters
  • Nanoscopy to quantify single nano-objects
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  • OTP project Femius Koenderink receives funding

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  • Extreme-ultraviolet light manipulation to unleash unprecedented capabilities

    Short-wavelength light sources beyond the color that the human eye can perceive have tremendous application potential, but controlling them is notoriously difficult. First author Sylvianne Roscam Abbing (ARCNL, in a …

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  • Femius Koenderink elected 2022 Optica Fellow

    The Optica (formerly OSA) Board of Directors has elected Femius Koenderink to the 2022 Fellows Class. He is one of the 106 members to be honored this year. Koenderink was …

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  • Hugo Doeleman wint NWO Natuurkunde Proefschrift Prijs 2019

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