prof.dr. Femius Koenderink

CV / Biography
Extensive CV and Full publication list with preprint links
Personal detail
Prof. Dr. A.Femius Koenderink
AMOLF Institute, Center for Nanophotonics
Science Park 104, 1098 XG Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Male; born, 24/08/76, married, one son
Nationality: Dutch (NL)
Work experience
As Principal Investigator:
- January 2016 – present: Department Head Center for Nanophotonics, FOM Institute AMOLF
- August 2012 – present: Professor (Bijzonder Hoogleraar) of Physics, Institute of Physics of the University of Amsterdam
- July 2012 – present: permanent staff member, group leader `Resonant Nanophotonics’ (fulltime), Center for Nanophotonics, FOM Institute AMOLF, Amsterdam
- February 2008– July 2012: Tenure track group leader `Resonant Nanophotonics’ (fulltime), Center for Nanophotonics, FOM Institute AMOLF, Amsterdam
As research associate:
- August 1, 2005 – January 31, 2008: Postdoctoral fellow (fulltime) FOM Institute AMOLF, Amsterdam & University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, working with Albert Polman, Bart Noordam, Ben van Linden van den Heuvell
- October 1, 2003 – July 31, 2005: Postdoctoral fellow (fulltime) Lab. für Physikalische Chemie, ETH Zürich, Switzerland, advised by Vahid Sandoghdar.
- July 1, 2003 – September 30, 2003: Research assistant (fulltime) University of Twente, The Netherlands Research project: Disorder and loss in photonic crystals, advised by Willem Vos and Ad Lagendijk
- July 1, 1999 – June 30, 2003: Ph.D. Student University of Amsterdam and University of Twente, The Netherlands Research project: Emission and transport of light in photonic crystals, advised by Willem Vos and Ad Lagendijk
PhD degree (Cum Laude) Experimental Physics, University of Amsterdam Thesis:Emission and Transport of Light in Photonic Crystals Advisors: Prof. Dr. W. L. Vos, and Prof. Dr. A. Lagendijk
02/06/99 Doctoraal (Masters) (Cum Laude) Applied Mathematics, Utrecht University Thesis: Chaotic behaviour of quasi-periodically driven Helmholtz oscillators Advisor: Prof. Dr. A. Doelman
02/06/98 Doctoraal (MSc) (Cum Laude) Experimental Physics , Utrecht University Thesis: Monochromatic phonon optics: physical optics of acoustic waves Advisors: Dr. D.J. Dieleman, Dr. A.F.M. Arts and Prof. Dr. H.W. de Wijn
ACS Photonics Young Investigator Lectureship Award (2018)
Elected Member of De Jonge Akademie (Young Academy of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences (KNAW)) (2012).
NWO VICI Innovational Research Grant (2015-2020) NWO VIDI Innovational Research Grant (2009-2015) NWO VENI Innovational Research Grant (2006-2009)
ETH postdoctoral fellowship, ETH Zürich, Switzerland (2003)
Highest distinction “Cum Laude” for Ph.D. Degree (2003) Highest distinction “Cum Laude” for Masters degree mathematics (1999) Highest distinction “Cum Laude” for Masters degree physics (1998)
Two of Koenderinks PhD students won the natioal award for the best Physics PhD thesis prize (Frimmer, Doeleman)
Master course Femius Koenderink teaches a 6 ECTS course Nanophotonics in the Physics Master of the University of Amsterdam (course attended by both University of Amsterdam and Free University students) since 2012.
Prior experience Femius Koenderink taught problem classes at ETH Zürich (Switzerland), the University of Amsterdam, and Utrecht University. Subjects included Special Relativity, Classical Mechanics, Electrostatics, Electrody-namics (i.e. all 1st year courses), Thermal Physics (2nd year), Advanced Quantum Mechanics (3rd/4th year), Introductory quantum mechanics (1st year course), Statistical Physics (4th year), Advanced Spectroscopy (3rd year).
Academic Activities
Referee: Physical Review Letters, Physical Review A, B, E, X, Nano Letters, ACS Nano, ACS Photonics, Science, Science Advances, Nature, Nature Physics, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Materials, Nature Photonics, Nature Communications, Light Science and Applications, Optica, Optics Letters, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, Optics Express, Laser & Photonics Review, Nanophotonics, Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Applied Physics, Optics Communications, Photonics and Nanostructures. Also review work for international grant organizations (France, Danmark,Austria, Germany, Belgium, USA, Australia, UK, Switzerland)
Editorial Board: ACS Photonics (2019), Physical Review A (2014-2019)
Membership: “Nederlandse Natuurkundige Vereniging’’ (the Netherlands), European Physical Society, American Physical Society.
Committees: NWO VIDI committee (2020 round), NWO NQMP Community committee, FOM Nano Werkgemeenschapscommissie (since 2016), NWO-transitie werkgroep betadomein (2016), NWO VIDI committee (2015 round), KNAW Profielwerkstukprijs (2015), NWO Mozaiek Grant committee (2011, 2012); KNAW Wetenschapsknooppunten Grant committee; Board Member Section Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Dutch Physical Society (organises yearly conference (2 days, 150 participants); FOM Physics@Veldhoven programme committee (2009, 2011, 2017).
Ph.D. Students supervised
- Ivana Sersic (graduated 2012)
- Martin Frimmer (2012)
- Andrej Kwadrin (2014)
- Felipe Bernal Arango (2014)
- Abbas Mohtashami, (2015)
- Lutz Langguth (2015)
- Hinke Schokker (2016)
- Michele Cotrufo (2017, 1st promotor Adrea Fiore, TU Eindhoven)
- Freek Ruesink (2017, 1st promotor Ewold Verhagen)
- Cocoa Guo (2018)
- Hugo Doeleman (2019)
- Kevin Cognee (2020)
- Ruslan Rohrich (2020)
- in progress Isabelle Palstra, Debapriya Pal, Nelso de Gaaij Fortman