Working at AMOLF


Are you looking for a challenging job in a multidisciplinary, collaborating environment? AMOLF regularly has vacancies for postdocs, PhDs, technicians, and internships.

See our vacancies


AMOLF offers young researchers a superb start. You work on groundbreaking scientific research that is relevant to society. We are a small-scale institute with different disciplines and a very close-knit social structure. You can therefore count on inspiring contacts. For your research you can make use of state-of-the-art laboratories and intensive technical support. AMOLF will make a considerable investment in you in the form of training on the job together with relevant courses (presenting results, scientific writing, valorising research, et cetera).

After their temporary period at AMOLF, about half of the PhDs and postdocs move on to positions in academia in both the Netherlands and abroad. The other half find good jobs at companies, consultancy firms or government institutes.

What we have said about researchers also applies to the people who work in support positions at AMOLF: technical, administrative or otherwise. You will work in a dynamic, collaborating environment and clear investments will be made in your professional development.

What is AMOLF?

AMOLF is many things. It is a research institute where excellent science takes place and it is a great building with top-notch infrastructure. AMOLF is also a place where people experience a sense of community. In the latest evaluation report the committee called this ‘the magic of AMOLF’. The video ‘Life at AMOLF’ shows the interaction between people through the eye of the objects that bind them. Want to visit us? Send an e-mail to:

“The collaborative culture is impressive. And effective because when people from very different backgrounds interact with each other intensively then interesting things happen.”
– Andrea Alu, associate professor University of Austin, Texas, did a sabbatical at AMOLF

Inclusion and diversity

Any research organization will benefit of the correct implementation of diverse working and social cultures. A diverse pull of students and employees hailing from a different cultural, ethnic, or religious background or of differences in gender, sexual orientation, health, and age not only fosters a dynamic and synergic work environment, but also helps the collective scientific throughput of the institute. Additionally, when we learn from each other and listen to each other’s journeys, the institute becomes a more personal place to work. That is why AMOLF strives to create an inclusive environment where everyone can express themselves organically and puts importance in practicing such.

AMOLF started creating awareness for gender diversity in 2018. One of the important changes we wanted to make was to get more female group leaders. Using the women in Science Excel (WISE) grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO), we were able to do so and we hired two female tenure track group leaders: Kristina Ganzinger and Wiebke Albrecht. Gender equality will continue to be one of the focus points at AMOLF in the coming years. For more information about the gender equality plans, see Gender Equality Plan 2018 – 2022.

In an interview with NWO-I, AMOLF group leader Said Rodriguez talks about his experiences with and vision on ethnic diversity. Read the interview.

However, AMOLF also wishes to streamline its nature as an inclusive and diverse organization in other respects as well. As a part of these ongoing efforts, an Inclusion and Diversity (ID) team was started at the beginning of 2022. This team has presented its plans for the period 2022 – 2026 showcasing AMOLF’s roadmap for its equality, inclusion, and diversity practices.

Read more about NWO-I employee policies.

Our application proces

  • You can apply via the job application button under the vacancy text.
  • You will receive an email to confirm receipt of your job application.
  • Applications for scientific positions will be examined by several scientific group leaders.
  • If you have applied for a scientific position and you are invited for an interview then we will organise a day programme for you. During this day you will speak with different scientists, you will give a presentation about your recent work or final dissertation and you will receive a guided tour of the laboratories. Travel and accommodation costs will be reimbursed.
  • Within several days of your visit you will hear whether you have been offered a job.

If you have questions about working at AMOLF, then contact us at

See our vacancies


Coming from abroad?

If you become our new colleague and you come from abroad then AMOLF will help you (and your partner or family) to find accommodation in Amsterdam. We will also help you with the procedures for resident permits, health care insurance, and completing any other administrative requirements. You may also be elligible for reimbursement of relocation costs.

Do you want to know more about living in Amsterdam? Find out here