The Soft Robotic Matter Group focuses on embodied intelligence within soft robotic devices, aiming to create autonomous robots capable of effective operation in their environments. To realize this goal, the group’s focus lies at the intersection of soft robotics and mechanical metamaterials. The group employs a combination of computational, experimental, and analytical tools to investigate how shape, non-linearities, and feedback can be strategically utilized to embody intelligent behavior in mechanical systems. The objective is to explore innovative – yet simple – avenues that extend the frontiers of knowledge, all while remaining dedicated to addressing real-world challenges that have a meaningful impact on society. We provide a highly collaborative and supportive environment, both within the group and institute, and through national and international collaborations.
For a complete overview of the work done at the Soft Robotic Matter group, visit our group website!
We regularly have PhD and Postdoc positions available, as well as MSc research projects! For more information, send an email to Dr. ir. Bas Overvelde.