prof.dr. Wim Noorduin

CV / Biography
Wim Noorduin leads the Self-Organizing Matter group at AMOLF and is professor by special appointment at the University of Amsterdam. He is co-founder and currently scientific advisor of Lumetallix, a company that exploits innovative photoluminescent technology for visualising and mitigating lead pollution.
Noorduin’s research focuses on the dynamic interplay between chemical reactions and crystallization phenomena to control the emergence of complexity in the solid state. His group is known for designing physical/chemical schemes to self-organize complex materials and develop new chiral amplification methods for the synthesis of enantiomerically pure building blocks. Current research includes the development of new routes to control crystallization, material composition, shape and hierarchical organization of mineralized structures and the design of physical/chemical feedback mechanisms to self-correct and amplify the emergence of complexity.
His research is funded by various grants, including the ERC Consolidator, and Veni, Vidi and KLEIN grant from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research.