Vortices in hall of mirrors show spinning light the way out
Researchers from FOM institute AMOLF have used the classical toolbox of physics to make predictions about the quantum world. Using a classical experiment, they showed how the direction in which …
Visiting professor Andrea Alù wins Alan T. Waterman Award
The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) has named Andrea Alù as the recipient of this year's Alan T. Waterman Award. Professor Alù (University of Texas in Austin) is currently KNAW …
Onderzoekers van FOM-instituut AMOLF en Stanford University hebben een nieuwe methode ontwikkeld om driedimensionale afbeeldingen te maken van ultrakleine objecten. Ze combineerden daarvoor twee bestaande technieken: kathodoluminescentie en tomografie. Deze …
A team of researchers from AMOLF and Stanford University has developed a novel way to make three-dimensional optical images of nanoscale objects. They irradiate the object with a 30 keV …
Solar cell researchers combine the best of two worlds with mineral based nanowires
For the first time a team of researchers from FOM Institute AMOLF have synthesized a mineral (AgFeS2) to create semiconducting nanowires. This earth-abundant semiconductor has a direct band gap of …
Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellowship for antifreeze protein research
AMOLF postdoc Konrad Meister from the research group of Huib Bakker was honoured with a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship amounting 165 k€ for his proposal Hydration Dynamics of Antifreeze Proteins.
Scientists from FOM institute AMOLF have observed monster waves of light. Monster waves are waves that seem to emerge out of nowhere and then rapidly disappear again. The researchers have shown …
Wetenschappers van het FOM-instituut AMOLF hebben monstergolven van licht waargenomen. Monstergolven zijn golven die schijnbaar uit het niets opkomen en daarna snel weer verdwijnen. De onderzoekers laten zien dat ze …
The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded a Vici grant to AMOLF group leader Femius Koenderink. A total of 216 researchers submitted a pre-prososal. Out of 132 elaborated …
SOLARDAM – Amsterdam solar energy initiative started
The solar energy research network SOLARDAM has received its first research grant. The 1 M€ grant from the Amsterdam Academic Alliance (AAA) enables collaborative research between AMOLF, UvA, VU, and ECN …