SOLARDAM – Amsterdam solar energy initiative started
The solar energy research network SOLARDAM has received its first research grant.The 1 M€ grant from the Amsterdam Academic Alliance (AAA) enables collaborative research between AMOLF, UvA, VU, and ECN …
The molecular radio: tuning in to the signal of molecules
Researchers from FOM Institute AMOLF have developed an ultrasensitive technique to study the rapid motions of molecules in materials that are just a few molecules thick. The new technique allows …
De moleculaire radio: afstemmen op het signaal van moleculen
Onderzoekers van het FOM-instituut AMOLF hebben een ultragevoelige techniek ontwikkeld waarmee ze de razendsnelle bewegingen van moleculen kunnen bestuderen in materialen die slechts een paar moleculen dik zijn. Nu het …
Nanoparticle coating eliminates reflection from glass
Reflection of light off glass surfaces is a problem occurring in everyday life, and hinders the performance of solar panels, smart phone and tablet displays. Researchers from FOM institute AMOLF …
FOM, NWO-ALW and Unilever jointly investigate the physical behaviour of everyday products
On the 1st of June, the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM), NWO Earth and Life Sciences (ALW) and Unilever will start a strategic joint research programme into understanding …
FOM, NWO-ALW en Unilever onderzoeken samen het fysische gedrag van alledaagse producten
De Stichting FOM, NWO Aard- en Levenswetenschappen (ALW) en Unilever starten per 1 juni een gezamenlijk onderzoeksprogramma dat inzicht zal geven in hybride zachte materialen. De drie partijen zijn de …
AMOLF group leader Huib Bakker has been elected as a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). Today, the Academy announced the election of 16 new …
A biological escape room: AMOLF researchers finally get an outside glimpse of protein aggregates that cause diabetes
Researchers from FOM Institute AMOLF have, for the first time ever, managed to make an image of the exterior structure of a protein aggregate that causes diseases like Alzheimer and …
AMOLF-onderzoekers publiceren hoogtepunten van nanofotonica in Science
Het onderzoeksgebied nanofotonica, de wetenschap en de toepassing van licht op de nanoschaal, is in de afgelopen jaren snel gegroeid. AMOLF-onderzoekers behoren tot de pioniers van dit vakgebied. In een …
The research field of nanophotonics, the science and application of light at the nanoscale, has seen a rapid growth in the last years, with AMOLF researchers among the pioneers. In …