Electron beam controls artificial optical molecule at the nanoscale
Metallic nanoparticles have the ability to confine light to volumes much smaller than the wavelength. If such particles are arranged in a special configuration they can show interesting optical phenomena, …
Tom Shimizu appointed professor at VU University Amsterdam
As of September 1st, 2015 AMOLF group leader Tom Shimizu has been appointed professor of ‘Experimental Physics of Behavior’ at the VU University Amsterdam. Shimizu’s research focuses on the physical …
Triple PV highlights: three articles on light management in thin-film solar cells
Within a relatively short time span three leading scientific journals published papers on solar cell research carried out at AMOLF in the Light Management in New Photovoltaic Materials (LMPV) research …
Niklas Ottosson starts new research group “EUV Photoemission”
As of August 1, Niklas Ottosson has been appointed as tenure track group leader at ARCNL and AMOLF. The start of the EUV Photoemission group marks the start of a …
Researchers from FOM Institute AMOLF in collaboration with scientists from Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel), Georgia Institute of Technology (US), KAUST (Saudi Arabia) and University of Heidelberg (Germany) have demonstrated …
Wim Noorduin starts new research group on Self-Organizing Matter
As of August 1st, Wim Noorduin has been appointed as AMOLF group leader. Noorduin is the second group leader hired in the Designer Matter group, a recently started line of …
Metamaterial undermines 250-year-old construction principles
Researchers from the Mechanical Metamaterials group have demonstrated how a rubber beam subjected to less pressure bends faster.This behaviour defies our expectations and appears to undermine the centuries-old bending laws.
The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) awarded a Veni grant to Corentin Coulais for his proposal on Aperiodic Mechanical Metamaterials. Coulais is postdoc in the group Mechanical Metamaterials. In …
Huib Bakker has been appointed as interim director of AMOLF as of September 1st 2015. Bakker knows AMOLF well; he carried out his doctorate research at AMOLF and since 2003 …
From June 22nd until June 24th the new research field of Designer Matter organized a workshop at AMOLF bringing together exciting work in the physics, engineering and design communities. The …