AMOLF group leader and UvA professor Femius Koenderink has received funding from the NWO Domain Applied and Engineering Sciences for the OTP project entitled ‘Integrated nanophotonic and extreme-ultraviolet access to …
The Optica (formerly OSA) Board of Directors has elected Femius Koenderink to the 2022 Fellows Class. He is one of the 106 members to be honored this year. Koenderink was …
Hugo Doeleman wint NWO Natuurkunde Proefschrift Prijs 2019
Vandaag werd bekend gemaakt dat AMOLF/UvA promovendus Hugo Doeleman de NWO Natuurkunde Proefschrift Prijs 2019 heeft gewonnen. Doeleman promoveerde op 18 januari cum laude aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam met …
On January 18th Hugo Doeleman defended his PhD thesis ‘Hybrid resonators for light trapping and emission control’ at the University of Amsterdam. Doeleman obtained the Cum Laude degree for his …
Stillness rules the eye of a hurricane; without a hurricane no eye, and without an eye no hurricane. In a similar manner, physicists of research institute AMOLF, the University of …
Amsterdamse natuurkundigen vangen licht in het oog van de storm
In het midden van een orkaan is het rustig; zonder orkaan geen oog, zonder oog geen orkaan. Maar niet alleen orkanen hebben een oog blijkt nu. Natuurkundigen van onderzoeksinstituut AMOLF …
Femius Koenderink wins 2018 ACS Photonics Young Investigator Award Lectureship
Femius Koenderink (head of the AMOLF Center for Nanophotonics) is the winner of the 2018 ACS Photonics Young Investigator Award Lectureship. This lectureship honors the contributions to the photonics research …
Perspective by Femius Koenderink most read in ACS Photonics in 2017
On January 2nd, ACS Photonics announced on Twitter that “Single-photon nanoantennas” is their most read publication in 2017. AMOLF group leader Femius Koenderink is the author of this review article.
The research field of nanophotonics, the science and application of light at the nanoscale, has seen a rapid growth in the last years, with AMOLF researchers among the pioneers. In …
Visiting professor Andrea Alù wins Alan T. Waterman Award
The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) has named Andrea Alù as the recipient of this year's Alan T. Waterman Award. Professor Alù (University of Texas in Austin) is currently KNAW …