Nanophotonics lecture series

University of Amsterdam, April & May 2018, exam May 31st
Prof.dr. A.F. Koenderink, e-mail:
Address: AMOLF, Science Park 104, 1098 XG Amsterdam

General structure

  • Lectures on Monday afternoons (13.00-17.00) & Thursday afternoons (13:00 – 17:00)
  • Student presentations and exercise class in the second two hours of every class
  • There are 7 exercise sets. Once handed out you will have either 1 or 2 weeks to finish them
  • Papers for presentations handed out approx.. 1 week before you are up
  • Exercise and presentations count for final mark


Week 14: Introduction

  • Assignment for this week: please hand in the result on paper by April 13th
  • Teaching assistant: Hugo Doeleman ( & Sylvianne Roscam Abbing (s.roscam@amolf)
  • Reading material:Novotny & Hecht Principles of Nano-Optics [Course book] Chapters 1, and 2.1 to 2.9, section 2.11 [My edition is the first edition (purple cover): Chapter 1: introduction / Chapter 2: Theoretical Foundations

April 3rd, 2017 – Class 1

Week 15: Plasmons & causality

  • Assignment for this week: please hand in the result on paper by April 17th
  • Teaching assistant: Annemarie Berkhout ( & Ruslan Rohrich (
  • Reading material:Novotny & Hecht Principles of Nano Optics [Course book]: Chapter 12 [Surface plasmons], all sections

April 10, 2018 – Class 2

  • Room: SP Bo. 203
  • Presentation on Refractive index of dielectrics and metals &   Guiding light with plasmons


April 12, 2018 – Class 3

  • Room: SP A1.06
  • Reading material: Metamaterials as a topic are not covered by Novotny & Hecht. Refer to Chem. Soc. Rev review by Liu and Zhang. Uploaded PDF
  • Presentation on Plasmonics






Week 16: Photonic crystals

  • Assignment for this week: please hand in the result on paper by April 24th
  • Teaching assistant: Christiaan Mennes ( & Sachin Kasture (
  • Reading material:About 1D periodic systems:Novotny & Hecht, chapter “Photonic crystals”, chapter 11. Read 11.1 If you are not familiar with crystallography, read: Ashcroft and Mermin, Ch 4 and 5 (PDF made available)

April 17, 2018 – Class 4

  • Room: SP Bo. 203
  • Presentation on Refractive index of dielectrics and metals &  Guiding light with plasmons


April 19, 2018 – Class 5

Week 17: Nanoscale antennas

  • Assignment for this week: please hand in the result on paper by May 3rd
  • Teaching assistant: David van der Flier ( &Nick Schilder (
  • Reading material: About extinction: C. F. Bohren, D. R. Huffman, Absorption and Scattering of Light by Small Particles, Chapter 3. About electrostatics of a sphere: J. D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics, Chaper 4.5 (4.4 may be useufl background). About optical antennas: P. Bharadwag, DE. Deutsch, L. Novotny, Optical Antennas, Advances in Optics and Photonics 1, 438-483 (2009)

April 24, 2018 – Class 6

Week 18: Microscopy & emitters


May 1, 2018 – Class 7


May 3, 2018 – Class 8

Week 19: Microcavities

  • Assignment for this week:  please hand in the result by May 24.  The assistants will be around to help you on May 8 from 15:00 onwards (after class)  and May 17 from 13:00 onwards (final exercise session).
  • The assistants are Robin Buijs [] and Amy van der Hel []
  • Reading material on temporal coupled mode theory.

May 8, 2018 – Class  9

Week 20: strongly coupled resonances and exciton polaritons

May 15, 2018 – Class  10

  • Room: SP B0.203
  • Presentation on strongly coupled resonators and exciton polaritons


May 17, 2018 – Exercise session

  • Room: SP A1.06
  • Assistants for the exercise on Microcavities, and the exercise on  Coupled Resonances will be available throughout to help with the exercises that have their deadline set at May 24.

Week 21: final session, closing symposium


May 24, 2018

  • Room: SP A1.06
  • Assignment:  Each team is asked to present a ‘key question’  – team composition and their assignments can be downloaded here as PDF.  The purpose is to read a set of papers,  and then, on basis of the papers, to  understand how the key question connects to basic concepts from the lecture, and how it goes beyond the lecture material.Instructions: prepare a presentation that satisfies the following requirements:
    • Each team member clearly and independently contributes to the presentation.
    • 12 minutes per team – in addition there will be 3 minutes for questions.
    • The source material quoted can be used for illustrative purposes – however you will need to go beyond just presenting the paper. Feel free to add extra literature. For the presentation: focus on the target questions – it is OK not to discuss all the points and figures of each paper.
    • Bring your presentation on a USB device (such as a memory stick).

    Splitting up tasks and putting together three completely independent results for the first time at the final symposium is not a workable solution.

  • In case of questions when preparing your presentation come by AMOLF anytime.  When any of the links is broken, contact Femius Koenderink []