N. de Gaay Fortman, D. Pal, P. Schall and A.F. Koenderink, Accessing Beyond-Light Line Dispersion and High-Q Resonances of Dense Plasmon Lattices by Bandfolding, ACS Photonics, (2025)
F. Bijloo, K. Murzyn, F. van Emmerik, A.J. den Boef, P.M. Kraus and A.F. Koenderink, Near-Unity All-Optical Modulation of Third-Harmonic Generation with a Fano-Resonant Dielectric Metasurface, Nano Lett. 24, (41), 12942-12947 (2024)
N. de Gaay Fortman, R. Kolkowski, D. Pal, S.R.K. Rodriguez, P. Schall and A.F. Koenderink, Spontaneous symmetry breaking in plasmon lattice lasers, Sci. Adv. 10, (27), eadn2723: 1-8 (2024)
S.A. Schulz, R.F.M. Oulton, M. Kenney, A. Alù, I. Staude, A. Bashiri, Z. Fedorova, R. Kolkowski, A.F. Koenderink, I. Fernandez-Corbaton and et al., Roadmap on photonic metasurfaces, Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, (26), 260701: 1-115 (2024)
R. Kolkowski, A. Berkhout, S.D.C. Roscam Abbing, D. Pal, C.D. Dieleman, J.J. Geuchies, A.J. Houtepen, B. Ehrler and A.F. Koenderink, Temporal Dynamics of Collective Resonances in Periodic Metasurfaces, ACS Photonics 11, (6), 2480-2496 (2024)
J. Je, A. Ren, L. Dai, T.K. Baikie, R. Guo, D. Pal, S. Gorgon, J.E. Heger, J. Huang, Y. Sun, R. Arul, G. Grimaldi, K. Zhang, J. Shamsi, Y.T. Huang, H. Wang, J. Wu, A.F. Koenderink, L. Torrente Murciano, M. Schwartzkopf, S.V. Roth, P. Müller-Buschbaum, J.J. Baumberg, S.D. Stranks, N.C. Greenham, L. Polavarapu, W. Zhang, A. Rao and R.L.Z. Hoye, Direct linearly polarized electroluminescence from perovskite nanoplatelet superlattices, Nat. Photon. 18, 586-594 (2024)
I. Shlesinger, J. Vandersmissen, E. Oksenberg, E. Verhagen and A.F. Koenderink, Hybrid cavity-antenna architecture for strong and tunable sideband-selective molecular Raman scattering enhancement, Sci. Adv. 9, (51), eadj4637: 1-9 (2023)