• Rubicon award for Sander Mann

    Former AMOLF PhD student Sander Mann has received an NWO Rubicon award to do research at the CUNY Advanced Science Research Center in New York. Mann obtained the cum laude …

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  • Perspective by Femius Koenderink most read in ACS Photonics in 2017

    On January 2nd,  ACS Photonics announced  on Twitter that “Single-photon nanoantennas” is their most read publication in 2017. AMOLF group leader Femius Koenderink is the author of this review article.

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  • Erik Garnett appointed professor of Nanoscale Photovoltaics at the UvA

    Erik Garnett has been named professor by special appointment of Nanoscale Photovoltaics at the University of Amsterdam’s (UvA)  Faculty of Science. The chair was established on behalf of the Foundation …

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  • Kristina Ganzinger appointed at AMOLF as WISE tenure track group leader

    NWO has awarded three talented female scientists a WISE grant. Dr Kristina Ganzinger has received an appointment at the Netherlands Institute for the Physics of Functional Complex Matter AMOLF, Dr …

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  • Personality and mood swings in bacteria

    Bacteria can control where they go using a signaling network of protein molecules. Scientists at AMOLF have developed a microscopy method that allows them to see how individual bacteria use …

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  • Bacteriën vertonen stemmingen en persoonlijkheid

    Bacteriën gebruiken een signaalnetwerk van eiwitmoleculen om te bepalen waar ze naar toe willen. Wetenschappers van AMOLF hebben een microscopiemethode ontwikkeld waarmee ze kunnen zien hoe individuele bacteriën dit netwerk …

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  • Ice skating on water, even when it is really cold

    The outermost layer of ice behaves like liquid water, even at a temperature of –30°C. Physicists at AMOLF have irrefutably demonstrated this using a modern surface-sensitive measuring technique.  At lower …

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  • Schaatsen doe je op water, zelfs als het heel koud is

    De buitenste laag van ijs gedraagt zich als vloeibaar water, zelfs bij een temperatuur van dertig graden onder nul. Dat hebben natuurkundigen van AMOLF onomstotelijk laten zien met een moderne …

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  • Nature Energy highlights three terminal configuration publication

    On November 9th the journal Nature Energy highlighted a Nano Letters publication of the Nanoscale Solar Cells group in which they present a new type of tandem solar cell: the …

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  • Overvelde connects Science & Art

    On October 25th at the Cinekid Festival in Amsterdam, AMOLF scientific group leader Bas Overvelde received a grant to build an interactive art installation. It is one of three original …

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