• Bas Overvelde candidate for ‘Wetenschapstalent’

    For the fourth time, New Scientist is looking for scientific talent in the Netherlands and Belgium. The contest is created to put young scientific talent and their work centre stage.

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  • Evolutie is als het weer: kansrijke mutaties zijn te voorspellen

    Omdat evolutie drijft op toeval, lijkt het voorspellen ervan onmogelijk. Toch is het biofysici van AMOLF en het ESPCI in Parijs gelukt om met een model voorspellingen te doen over …

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  • New method predicts evolution

    As evolution is driven by chance, predicting it seems impossible. Nevertheless, scientists from AMOLF in Amsterdam and the ESPCI in Paris have succeeded in making predictions about the evolution of …

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  • Edge of Chaos – an interactive kinetic installation

    Between order and chaos, a mathematical space originally studied to understand the behaviour of avalanches and crystallisation of liquids, scientists are uncovering the rules for the existence of life itself.

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  • SEP committee refers to ‘the magic of AMOLF’

    Every six years the NWO institutes are evaluated by a panel of independent experts according to the so-called Standard Evaluation Protocol (SEP). An international committee chaired by Søren Keiding (Aarhus …

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  • SEP-commissie spreekt over ‘the magic of AMOLF’

    Iedere zes jaar worden de NWO-instituten beoordeeld door een panel van onafhankelijke experts, volgens het zogeheten Standard Evalution Protocol (SEP). Een internationale commissie o.l.v. Søren Keiding (Aarhus University, Denemarken) kwam …

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  • Stressed-out bacteria do measure up : As they grow, E. coli cells constantly mark sites where they can divide once the period of stress is over

    When E. coli bacteria are physically distressed, they switch to stress mode and postpone cell division. But they still keep on growing, thus forming long filaments. AMOLF researchers discovered that …

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  • Gestreste bacterie neemt zichzelf de maat : Groeiende E. coli markeert voortdurend waar-ie kan delen als de stress voorbij is

    Als E. coli bacteriën zich onprettig voelen, gaan ze in stress-mode en stellen ze de celdeling uit. In de tussentijd groeien ze door tot lange slierten. AMOLF-onderzoekers ontdekten dat de …

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  • Researchers combine spintronics and nanophotonics in 2D material

    Spintronics in materials of just a few atoms thick is an emerging field in which the ‘spin’ of electrons is used to process data, rather than the charge. Unfortunately, the …

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  • Three AMOLF projects in NWO program Materials for Sustainability

    AMOLF participates in three new research projects that will start with funding through NWO’s program Materials for Sustainability (Mat4Sus). To enable a smooth transition from fossil fuels to a more …

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