ERC Advanced Research Grants for Huib Bakker and Albert Polman
AMOLF director Huib Bakker and program leader Albert Polman both received an Advanced Research Grant of 2.5 million euros from the European Research Council (ERC). The European Research Council uses …
De biologische klok in delende cellen: een robuust ontwerp
Onderzoekers van het FOM-instituut AMOLF en de Universiteit van Michigan hebben ontdekt hoe de biologische klok van een organisme stabiel kan blijven tikken ondanks dat de cellen van dat organisme …
The biological clock in dividing cells: a robust design
Researchers from FOM institute AMOLF and the University of Michigan have discovered how the biological clock of an organism remains stable, even when the cells of that organism grow and …
Esther Alarcon is op 1 februari gestart als tenure-track groepsleider in de FOM-AMOLF focusgroep Light Management in New Photovoltaic Materials (LMPV). Alarcon was als postdoc verbonden aan EPFL in Lausanne.
Tenure track group leader Esther Alarcon reinforces photovoltaics research
As of Februari 1st, Esther Alarcon starts as a tenure track group leader in the FOM focus group Light Management in New Photovoltaic Materials (LMPV). Alarcon is the third group …
Huib Bakker appointed as new director of FOM Institute AMOLF
Huib Bakker has been appointed as director of FOM Institute AMOLF starting on February 1st, 2016. He succeeds AMOLF director Vinod Subramaniam, who became Rector of VU University on September …
Professor Kobus Kuipers will leave AMOLF to become head of the Quantum Nanoscience department at the TU Delft. He will move to Delft in the summer of 2016. Kuipers began …
On December 15th Jorik van de Groep defended his PhD thesis Resonant Nanophotonic Structures for Photovoltaics at the University of Amsterdam. Van de Groep obtained the Cum Laude degree for …
AMOLF-onderzoekers maken transparante geleiders door stempelen en groeien
Onderzoekers van het FOM-instituut AMOLF hebben een nieuwe techniek ontdekt voor het maken van transparante geleiders in elektronische apparaten, zoals zonnecellen en smartphones. De methode is een combinatie van een …
AMOLF researchers make transparent conductors by means of stamping and growing
Researchers at AMOLF have discovered a new technique for making transparent conductors used in electronics such as solar cells and smartphones. The technique is a combination of a stamping mechanism …