• Paula van Tijn nieuwe instituutsmanager van AMOLF

    Op donderdag 12 mei maakte directeur Huib Bakker bekend dat Paula van Tijn op 13 juni start als nieuwe instituutsmanager van AMOLF. Van Tijn gaat leiding geven aan de supportafdelingen …

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  • Marileen Dogterom gekozen tot KNAW-lid

    Op 18 mei maakte de Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (KNAW) bekend zestien nieuwe leden te hebben gekozen. Voormalig AMOLF-groepsleider en afdelingshoofd Marileen Dogterom is een van deze nieuwe leden.

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  • Vidi grants for Erik Garnett and Yves Rezus

    AMOLF group leaders Erik Garnett and Yves Rezus have received an NWO Vidi grant. NWO has awarded 87 experienced researchers a Vidi grant worth 800,000 euros. The grant enables them …

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  • Vidi-subsidies voor Erik Garnett en Yves Rezus

    AMOLF-groepsleiders Erik Garnett en Yves Rezus ontvangen elk een NWO Vidi-financiering van 800.000 euro. De Vidi-beurzen worden jaarlijks door NWO toegekend aan ervaren onderzoekers die na hun promotie al een …

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  • AMOLF group leaders publish review article in Science on challenges in photovoltaic energy conversion

    Analyzing 16 record-efficiency solar cell materials, the paper presents opportunities to improve photovoltaic efficiency using nanoscale light management and to enhance carrier collection with innovative materials science and engineering strategies.

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  • Solar cell material can recycle light to boost efficiency

    Perovskite materials can recycle light particles – a finding which could lead to a new generation of affordable, high-performance solar cells. Together with researchers from the United Kingdom AMOLF group …

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  • No clear winner when it comes to antifreeze protein efficiency

    Ever since biologist Arthur DeVries discovered antifreeze proteins in Antarctic fish in the 1960’s, researchers have tried to unravel the mystery behind these remarkable proteins. Thanks to the proteins in …

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  • Bas Overvelde starts new group on Soft Robotic Matter

    As of May 1st, Bas Overvelde will be appointed as AMOLF group leader. Overvelde is the third group leader hired in the Designer Matter initiative, a recently started line of …

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  • How do collagen networks protect biological tissues from damage?

    The Biological Soft Matter group of Gijsje Koenderink published a paper in Nature Physics in which they report a new model that explains the remarkable mechanical strength of collagen matrices.

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  • ERC Advanced Research Grants for Huib Bakker and Albert Polman

    AMOLF director Huib Bakker and program leader Albert Polman both received an Advanced Research Grant of 2.5 million euros from the European Research Council (ERC). The European Research Council uses …

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