• Tension instability flattens thick block

    This summer Bas Overvelde started as tenure track group leader at AMOLF. During the first few months in Amsterdam he finished a project with former Harvard colleagues, which they published …

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  • How do hydrophobins work at the water surface?

    Hydrophobins are a group of highly surface-active proteins that are produced by fungi. They are known for their unique functions related to interfaces. Hydrophobins largely reduce the surface tension of …

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  • Understanding nanoscale solar cells

    A team of researchers from the AMOLF-group Nanoscale Solar Cells and Eindhoven University of Technology have developed both a theory and an experimental method that provide the first detailed demonstration …

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  • Nanozonnecellen begrijpen

    Onderzoekers uit de Nanoscale Solar Cells groep ontwikkelden samen met de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven een theorie plus experimentele methode waarmee zij voor het eerst in detail laten zien hoe een …

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  • Nanotechnology can improve solar cell efficiencies via directional emission

    Researchers from the Nanoscale Solar Cells group at AMOLF together with collaborators from the University of Texas, Austin, and Columbia University, New York, found that nanostructures can enable efficiencies above …

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  • Premiere: watch the development of a larva into an adult worm live

    Researchers from FOM institute AMOLF have developed a microscopy technique for the live tracking of development in the individual cells of a growing, eating and moving organism, the nematode worm …

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  • Première: volg live de ontwikkeling van larve tot volwassen worm

    Onderzoekers van FOM-instituut AMOLF ontwikkelden een microscopietechniek waarmee ze voor het eerst live de ontwikkeling van de cellen van de worm C. elegans kunnen volgen, dus in een groeiend, etend …

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  • The importance of being a vector: a story of darkness in light waves

    Darkness can be found in light. This typically happens at an optical vortex: a point in which the amplitude of light is zero and where it twists like a corkscrew.

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  • De rol van vectoren: een verhaal over duisternis in lichtgolven

    In licht is vaak ook duisternis aanwezig. Zoals bij een optische vortex, een punt waar de amplitude van het licht nul is en waar het omheen draait als een kurkentrekker.

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  • Building with flexible blocks

    On an apparently normal cube a pattern of hollows and bulges appears when the cube is compressed. Physicists from FOM Institute AMOLF and Leiden University together with colleagues from Tel …

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