AMOLF onderzoekers ontrafelen hoe nano-antennes chemische reacties versterken De chemische industrie gebruikt veel energie, niet alleen om reacties op gang te brengen, maar ook voor het scheiden van producten en …
AMOLF group leader Kristina Ganzinger (Physics of Cellular Interactions) is one of the 78 researchers who received a NWO Vidi grant that is worth 800.000 euros. This grant allows Ganzinger …
The ability of a cell to separate its own matter from its surroundings is a basic requirement for life. A team of researchers at AMOLF and Delft University of Technology …
Former PhD students Anne Meeussen (Mechanical Metamaterials group) and Mario Avellaneda Sarrio (Biophysics group) are amongst the 31 researchers who have recently received a Rubicon grant from NWO. The Rubicon …
AMOLF and Fraunhofer ISE start cooperation on metamaterials
AMOLF and the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems have started a strategic cooperation in the field of metamaterials for optical applications. In the project "Metasurfaces for Energy Efficient Devices" …
AMOLF scientists unravel noise-assisted signal amplification in systems with memory
Signals can be amplified by an optimum amount of noise, but this so-called stochastic resonance is a rather fragile phenomenon. Researchers at AMOLF were the first to investigate the role …
AMOLF-wetenschappers laten zien hoe signaalversterking door ruis werkt in systemen met geheugen
Signalen kunnen versterkt worden door een optimale hoeveelheid ruis, maar dit fenomeen van zogenoemde stochastische resonantie is tamelijk fragiel. Onderzoekers van AMOLF hebben voor het eerst de rol van geheugen …
On October 1st Marc Serra will start as tenure track group leader at AMOLF. His Hyper Smart Matter group will be embedded in the Designer Matter research theme at AMOLF.
Researchers from AMOLF’s Soft Robotic Matter group have shown that a group of small autonomous, self-learning robots can adapt easily to changing circumstances. They connected these simple robots in a …
The coupling of light and matter is relevant to many emerging technologies like lasers, LEDs, sensors, and more. To observe this coupling researchers use optical microscopes, and the signatures of …