• ERC Starting Grant for Bruno Ehrler and Bas Overvelde

    AMOLF group leaders Bruno Ehrler and Bas Overvelde have both received a Starting Grant of 1.5 million Euros from the European Research Council (ERC). The ERC uses this grant to …

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  • Exponential scaling of frictional forces in cells

    AMOLF researchers present a theory that describes the friction between biological filaments that are crosslinked by proteins. Surprisingly, their theory predicts that the friction force scales highly non-linearly with the …

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  • Solar cell material performs better under pressure

    A novel and highly promising material for solar cells, halide perovskites, is more stable and consequently more efficient if just one ion is substituted. Researchers from AMOLF revealed in an …

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  • Perovskiet presteert beter onder druk

    Perovskiet, een veelbelovend materiaal voor zonnecellen, kun je veel stabieler en daarmee efficiënter maken door slechts één ion te vervangen. Onderzoekers van AMOLF lieten op onverwachte wijze zien hoe dat …

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  • Cum laude for Federica Burla

    On Friday, June 19th Federica Burla defended her PhD thesis Tailoring Extracellular Matrix Mechanics online at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. Burla obtained the cum  laude degree for her doctorate research.

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  • Evolutionaire conflicten voorspeld

    Evolutie lijkt een onvoorspelbaar proces. Maar het voorspellen van de grenzen van evolutie blijkt wel mogelijk. Dit tonen onderzoekers van AMOLF en het Franse ESPCI aan door middel van hun …

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  • Evolutionary conflicts predicted

    Evolution seems to be an unpredictable process. However, predicting the constraints of evolution is possible. Researchers from AMOLF and the French ESPCI have demonstrated this using their mathematical method, followed …

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  • Olive oil sheds new light on universality in phase transitions

    A simple drop of olive oil in a system of photons bouncing between two mirrors, has revealed universal aspects of phase transitions in physics. Researchers at AMOLF used an oil-filled …

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  • Rubicon grant for Hugo Doeleman

    Former PhD student Hugo Doeleman has received a Rubicon grant from NWO to carry out his research proposal at ETH Zurich. At AMOLF Doeleman was a group member of the …

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  • Bela Mulder appointed at Utrecht University

    As of 1 January, Bela Mulder (Theory of Biomolecular Matter) has been appointed Professor by Special Appointment in Theoretical Biophysics at Utrecht University. With this appointment,the Faculty of Science aims …

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