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  • Creating life from lifeless biomolecules with AI and lab evolution

    “What is life? How does a living cell emerge from lifeless molecules?” wondered a multidisciplinary team of Dutch scientists. To answer these questions the research team, with three AMOLF research …

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  • OrganoidNL 2024: Latest advances in organoid research

    On April 12th, the second edition of the OrganoidNL Conference was held at AMOLF. This one-day event united over 160 researchers from the Netherlands and neighboring countries, all passionate about …

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  • How bacteria cope with randomness

    Bacterial behavior is profoundly influenced by continuous random perturbances in their regulatory pathways. Researchers from institute AMOLF and Utrecht University found a new way by which bacteria cope with these …

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  • How do stem cells choose their identity?

    AMOLF researchers discovered that stem cells first specialize into a functional cell and then move to the proper location – rather than the other way around. Researchers at AMOLF and …

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  • OrganoidNL 2023: A successful showcase of organoid research in the Netherlands

    On March 31st, 2023, the first OrganoidNL Symposium was organized at the AMOLF institute in Amsterdam. This one-day event brought together researchers from across the Netherlands with an interest in …

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  • ERC Synergy Grant for AMOLF-Heidelberg-ETH team

    A prestigious ERC Synergy Grant worth 9.4 million euros has been awarded to the research groups of Sander Tans (AMOLF), Bernd Bukau (Heidelberg University) and Nenad Ban (ETH). The team …

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  • Optimization of human small intestinal organoids

    Collaborating scientists have improved human small intestinal organoids – miniature versions of the small intestine. This will help them to better study the functioning of the small intestine. The scientists …

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  • Cells: strong at the right place and time

    Researchers from TU Delft and AMOLF discovered how certain molecular bonds make living cells both flexible, in order to move, as well as strong, in order to withstand forces. Paradoxically, …

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  • First study of CRISPR-Cas defense in individual cells shows remarkable variability

    Specialists in single cell dynamics of research institute AMOLF together with CRISPR-Cas researchers of TU Delft were able to measure for the first time how quickly a single cell can …

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  • A magic top hat for protein folding

    Following a single protein inside the cavity of a GroEL chaperone for the first time, researchers at AMOLF led by professor Sander Tans discovered how protein folding can be accelerated.

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