• Self-folding metamaterial

    The more complex the object, the harder it is to fold up. Space satellites often need many small motors to fold up an instrument, and people have difficulty simply folding …

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  • Metamateriaal vouwt zichzelf op

    Hoe complexer het voorwerp, des te ingewikkelder het is om op te vouwen. Een ruimtevaartuig heeft al snel vele motortjes nodig om een instrument-arm in elkaar te vouwen en mensen …

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  • Scientists shed new light on fundamental hundred-year-old question

    Scientists of Wageningen University & Research and AMOLF have found an answer to a fundamental question botanists have been asking for over a century: how do plant cells know in …

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  • Onderzoekers werpen nieuw licht op honderd jaar oude fundamentele vraag

    Onderzoekers van Wageningen University & Research en AMOLF hebben een antwoord gevonden op een meer dan honderd jaar oude fundamentele vraag: hoe weten plantencellen in welke richting ze moeten delen? …

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  • WISE fellow Kristina Ganzinger starts new research group at AMOLF

    On September 1st, Kristina Ganzinger will start as tenure track group leader. Ganzinger comes to AMOLF with a WISE fellowship, which is part of an NWO program for excellent female …

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  • Nanoscale solar cells benefit from transistor technique

    An international team of scientists has investigated a new type of charge carrier-selective contact for nanowire solar cells based on the surface-gate effect. Those contacts make use of an effect …

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  • Noise in the biorhythm: biological clocks respond differently to light fluctuations

    Anybody who has experienced jet lag knows the power of the biological clock. Almost all organisms, from humans to the smallest of bacteria, have a built-in system that tells them …

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  • Ruis in het bioritme: biologische klokken reageren verschillend op lichtfluctuaties

    Wie ooit een jetlag heeft gehad, kent de kracht van de biologische klok. Alle organismen, van mensen tot de kleinste bacteriën, hebben een ingebouwd systeem dat ze vertelt of het …

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  • 2018 Pierre-Gilles de Gennes prize for Gijsje Koenderink

    Gijsje Koenderink (group leader of the Biological Soft Matter group and head of the Living Matter department) has won the 2018 Pierre-Gilles de Gennes prize. The prize has been established …

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  • AMOLF, Thermo Fisher and Delmic present ultrafast SEM cathodoluminescence microscopes

    Academic-industry collaboration leads to product on the market in two years A team of AMOLF, Thermo Fisher Scientific and Delmic has constructed two new microscopes that can take optical images …

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