Minerva Prize 2021 goes to Wiebke Albrecht and Natalia Chepiga

Today, the NNV and the Dutch Physics Council (DPC) announced that AMOLF tenure track group leader Wiebke Albrecht is one of the two recipients of the Minerva prize 2021. She shares the prize with Natalia Chepiga (Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Delft). The Minerva Prize is awarded to an outstanding young female or non-binary physicist in the Netherlands with an overall performance that scientifically excels in any subfield of physics. Both experimental and theoretical scientific physics research are taken into account. Albrecht and Chepiga share the prize money of € 5000.
At AMOLF Albrecht leads the group Hybrid Nanosystems. She investigates the interaction between light and matter at the atomic level. By combining several techniques Albrecht is able to focus on defects at the atomic level and to understand what the consequential effects are on the material properties.
The award ceremony of the first NNV/DPC Minerva Prize, takes place at Physics@Veldhoven 2022.
Read more about the Minerva Prize