G.N. van den Hoven, J.A. van der Elsken, A. Polman, C. van Dam, J.W.M. van Uffelen and M.K. Smit, Absorption and emission cross sections of Er3+ in Al2O3 slab waveguides, Appl. Opt. 36, 3338-3341 (1997)
Y.C. Yan, A.J. Faber, H. de Waal, P.G. Kik and A. Polman, Erbium-doped phospate glass waveguide on silicon with 4.1 Polman dB/cm gain at 1.535 µm, Appl. Phys. Lett. 71, 2922-2924 (1997)
F. Priolo, S. Coffa, G. Franzò and A. Polman: Excitation mechanisms and light emitting device performances in Er-doped crystalline SiIn: Rare Earth Doped Semiconductors II : Symposium held April 8-10, 1996, San Francisco, California, U.S.A. /ed. S. Coffa, A. Polman and R.N. Schwartz, Materials Research Society, 1996. - pp. 305-316
R. Serna, J.H. Shin, M. Lohmeier, E. Vlieg, A. Polman and P.F.A. Alkemade, Incorporation and optical activation of erbium in silicon using molecular beam epitaxy, J. Appl. Phys. 79, 2658-2662 (1996)
S. Lombardo, S.U. Campisano, G.N. van den Hoven and A. Polman: Electroluminescence of erbium in oxygen doped siliconIn: Rare Earth Doped Semiconductors II : Symposium held April 8-10, 1996, San Francisco, California, U.S.A. /ed. S. Coffa, A. Polman and R.N. Schwartz, Materials Research Society, 1996. - pp. 333-338
S. Coffa, A. Polman and R.N. Schwartz: Rare Earth Doped Semiconductors II: Symposium held April 8-10, 1996, San Francisco, Ca., U.S.A.Pittsburgh: MRS, 1996. (Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings;)
K.S. Min, K.V. Shcheglov, C.M. Yang, H.A. Atwater, M.L. Brongersma and A. Polman, Defect-related versus excitonic visible light emission from ion beam synthesized Si nanocrystals in SiO2, Appl. Phys. Lett. 69, 2033-2035 (1996)
G.N. van den Hoven, R.J.I.M. Koper, A. Polman, C. van Dam, J.W.M. van Uffelen and M.K. Smit, Net optical gain at 1.53 µm in Er-doped Al2O3 waveguides on silicon, Appl. Phys. Lett. 68, 1886-1888 (1996)
G.N. van den Hoven, A. Polman, C. van Dam, J.W.M. van Uffelen and M.K. Smit, Direct imaging of optical interference in erbium-doped Al2O3 waveguides, Opt. Lett. 21, 576-578 (1996)