Publications - Photonic Materials

  • S. Acco, D.L. Williamson, W.G.J.H.M. van Sark, W.C. Sinke, W.F. van der Weg, A. Polman and S. Roorda, Nanoclustering of hydrogen in ion-implanted and plasma-grown amorphous silicon, Phys. Rev. B 58, 12853-12864 (1998)

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  • P.G. Kik and A. Polman, Erbium-doped optical-waveguide amplifiers on silicon, MRS Bulletin 23, 48-54 (1998)

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  • A. Polman, S. Coffa and R. Soref: Materials and Devices for Silicon-Based OptoelectronicsPittsburgh: MRS, 1998. (Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings;)

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  • S. Acco, D.L. Williamson, S. Roorda, W.G.J.H.M. van Sark, A. Polman and W.F. van der Weg, Structural defects and hydrogen clustering in amorphous silicon, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 227-230, 128-132 (1998)

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  • M.L. Brongersma, K.S. Min, E. Boer, T. Tambo, A. Polman and H.A. Atwater: Tailoring the optical properties of Si nanocrystals in SiO2: Materials issues and nanocrystal laser perspectives In: Materials and Devices for Silicon-Based Optoelectronics : Symposium held December 1-3, 1997, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. /ed. A. Polman, S. Coffa and R. Soref, Pittsburgh: MRS, 1998. - pp. 213-218

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  • A. Polman, 15-minute "clips" on materials engineering, J. Mater. Educ. 20, 119-124 (1998)

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  • L.H. Slooff, A. Polman, M.P. Oude Wolbers, F.C.J.M. van Veggel, D.N. Reinhoudt and J.W. Hofstraat, Optical properties of erbium-doped organic polydentate cage complexes, J. Appl. Phys. 83, 497-503 (1998)

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  • M.L. Brongersma, A. Polman, K.S. Min, E. Boer, T. Tambo and H.A. Atwater, Tuning the emission wavelength of Si nanocrystals in SiO2 by oxidation, Appl. Phys. Lett. 72, 2577-2579 (1998)

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  • Y.C. Yan, A.J. Faber, H. de Waal, P.G. Kik and A. Polman: Net optical gain at 1.53 mm in an Er-doped phosphate glass waveguide on silicon In: Optical Amplifiers and their Applications, Technical Digest, Optical Society of America, 1997. - pp. 64-67

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  • M.L. Brongersma, E. Snoeks and A. Polman, Temperature dependence of MeV heavy ion irradiation-induced viscous flow in SiO2, Appl. Phys. Lett. 71, 1628-1630 (1997)

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