A. Polman, D.C. Jacobson, S. Coffa, J.M. Poate, S. Roorda and W.C. Sinke, Defect states of amorphous Si probed by the diffusion and solubility of Cu, Appl. Phys. Lett. 57, 1230-1232 (1990)
W.C. Sinke, A. Polman and P.A. Stolk: Rapid phase transitions in silicon under pulsed-laser irradiationIn: EPM '89 : Energy Pulse and Particle Beam Modification of Materials : 3rd International Conference held September 4-8, 1989, Dresden, GDR /ed. K. Hohmuth and E. Richter, Akademie Verlag, 1990. - pp. 94-99
A. Polman, A.J. Vredenberg, W.H. Urbanus, P.J. van Deenen, H.P. Alberda, H.B. Krop, I. Attema, E. de Haas, H.H. Kersten, S. Doorn, J. Derks, J. ter Beek, S. Roorda, R. Schreutelkamp, J.G. Bannenberg and F.W. Saris, An MeV facility for materials research, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect B 37/38, 935-940 (1989)
A. Polman, W.C. Sinke, M.J. Uttormark and M.O. Thompson, Pulsed-laser induced transient phase transformations at the Si-H2O interface, J. Mater. Res. 4, 843-856 (1989)
P.A. Stolk, A. Polman and W.C. Sinke: Epitaxial explosive crystallization of amorphous silicon layers buried in a silicon (100) and (111) matrixIn: Ion Beam Processing of Advanced Electronic Materials : Symposium held April 25-27, 1989, San Diego, California, U.S.A. /ed. N.W. Cheung, A.D. Marwick and J.B. Roberto, Materials Research Society, 1989. - pp. 179-184
W.C. Sinke, A. Polman, S. Roorda and P.A. Stolk, Explosive crystallization of amorphous silicon: triggering and propagation, Appl. Surf. Sci. 43, 128-135 (1989)
A. Polman, W.C. Sinke, M.J. Uttormark and M.O. Thompson: Transient processes at the Si-water interface during pulsed laser irradiationIn: Fundamentals of Beam-Solid Interactions and Transient Thermal Processing : Symposium held November 30-December 3, 1987, Boston, Massachusetts, USA /ed. M.J. Aziz, L.E. Rehn and B. Stritzker, Materials Research Society, 1988. - pp. 555-560
A. Polman, W.C. Sinke, F.W. Saris, M.J. Uttormark and M.O. Thompson, Quench rate enhancement in pulsed laser melting of Si by processing under water, Appl. Phys. Lett. 52, 535-537 (1988)