Absorption and emission cross sections of Er3+ in Al2O3 slab waveguides

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Reference G.N. van den Hoven, J.A. van der Elsken, A. Polman, C. van Dam, J.W.M. van Uffelen and M.K. Smit, Absorption and emission cross sections of Er3+ in Al2O3 slab waveguides, Appl. Opt. 36, 3338-3341 (1997)
Group Photonic Materials

Al2O3 slab waveguide films were doped with erbium using ion implantation to a peak concentration of 1.5 at. %. Prism coupling measurements show absorption caused by 4I15/2 4I13/2 intra-4f transitions in Er3+ with a maximum at 1.530 µm of 8 dB/cm. The Er3+ absorption cross section is determined as a function of wavelength. We used the McCumber theory to derive the emission cross section spectrum from the absorption results, which we then compared with the Er3+ photoluminescence spectrum. The peak absorption and emission cross sections are found to be 6 x 10­21cm-2. The results are used to predict the optical gain performance of an Er-doped Al2O3 optical amplifier that operates around 1.5 µm.