News Quantitative Developmental Biology

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  • NWO ENW-XL grant awarded to consortium studying how embryos tell time

    A research consortium led by AMOLF group leader Jeroen van Zon has been awarded an NWO ENW-XL grant to combine efforts and elevate curiosity-driven research to the next level. A …

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  • OrganoidNL 2024: Latest advances in organoid research

    On April 12th, the second edition of the OrganoidNL Conference was held at AMOLF. This one-day event united over 160 researchers from the Netherlands and neighboring countries, all passionate about …

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  • How do stem cells choose their identity?

    AMOLF researchers discovered that stem cells first specialize into a functional cell and then move to the proper location – rather than the other way around. Researchers at AMOLF and …

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  • OrganoidNL 2023: A successful showcase of organoid research in the Netherlands

    On March 31st, 2023, the first OrganoidNL Symposium was organized at the AMOLF institute in Amsterdam. This one-day event brought together researchers from across the Netherlands with an interest in …

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  • Daughter cells in the intestine do what their mother tells them

    AMOLF researchers have discovered what prevents cells in the intestine from dividing rampantly. One hypothesis was that this happens because, on average, for each cell that divides, another cell stops …

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  • Optimization of human small intestinal organoids

    Collaborating scientists have improved human small intestinal organoids – miniature versions of the small intestine. This will help them to better study the functioning of the small intestine. The scientists …

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  • C. elegans does not accidentally switch off its ability to detect salt

    AMOLF researchers, collaborating with researchers from the Erasmus MC, have discovered a genetic mechanism that ensures that a nerve cell retains its identity once it has differentiated. This concerns a …

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  • C. elegans schakelt zijn neus voor zout niet per ongeluk uit

    AMOLF-onderzoekers ontdekten in samenwerking met onderzoekers van het Erasmus MC een genetisch mechanisme dat ervoor zorgt dat een eenmaal gedifferentieerde zenuwcel zijn identiteit behoudt. Het gaat om een neuron dat …

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  • Adolescent worm provides insights into cell development : Canalisation of developing cells unravelled for the first time

    How embryos develop into complex, adult organisms is still a mystery, but researchers at AMOLF have managed to clarify a small part of it. While studying the nematode C. elegans, …

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  • Puberende worm geeft inzicht in celontwikkeling: Kanalisatie van cellen in ontwikkeling voor het eerst in kaart gebracht

    Hoe embryo's zich ontwikkelen tot complexe, volwassen organismen is een raadsel waar AMOLF-onderzoekers nu een klein stukje van hebben opgehelderd. In de rondworm C. elegans ontdekten zij hoe een groepje …

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