Publications - Biochemical Networks

  • C. Valeriani, R.J. Allen, M.J. Morelli, D. Frenkel and P.R. ten Wolde, Computing stationary distributions in equilibrium and nonequilibrium systems with forward flux sampling, J. Chem. Phys. 127, (Article number: 114109), 1-11 (2007)

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  • Z. Qin, H.L. Tepper and G.A. Voth, Effect of membrane environment on proton permeation through gramicidin A channels, J. Phys. Chem. B 111, 9931-9939 (2007)

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  • J.S. van Zon, D.K. Lubensky, P.R.H. Altena and P.R. ten Wolde, An allosteric model of circadian KaiC phosphorylation, PNAS 104, 7420-7425 (2007)

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  • F. Tostevin, P.R. ten Wolde and M. Howard, Fundamental limits to position determination by concentration gradients, PLoS Comput. Biol. 3, (4, Article number: 78), 763-771 (2007)

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  • J.S. van Zon, Stochastic dynamics in sand and cells, VU University Amsterdam, 2006-03-24

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  • P.R. ten Wolde and S. Tanase-Nicola, Pass on the message, Nature Phys. 2, 371-372 (2006)

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  • S. Tanase-Nicola, P.B. Warren and P.R. ten Wolde, Signal detection, modularity, and the correlation between extrinsic and intrinsic noise in biochemical networks, Phys.Rev.Lett. 97, (Article number: 68102), 1-4 (2006)

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  • Y. Wu, H.L. Tepper and G.A. Voth, Flexible simple point-charge water model with improved liquid-state properties, J. Chem. Phys. 124, (Article number: 24503), 1-12 (2006)

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  • R. Hermsen, S.J. Tans and P.R. ten Wolde, Transcriptional regulation by competing transcription factor modules, PLoS Comput. Biol. 2, (12, Article number: 164), 1-9 (2006)

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  • J.S. van Zon, M.J. Morelli, S. Tanase-Nicola and P.R. ten Wolde, Diffusion of transcription factors can drastically enhance the noise in gene expression, Biophys. J. 91, 4350-4367 (2006)

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