Publications - Biochemical Networks

  • M. Berger and P.R. ten Wolde, Robust replication initiation from coupled homeostatic mechanisms, Nature Commun. 13, (1), 6556: 1-13 (2022)

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  • H. Wierenga and P.R. ten Wolde, Energetic constraints on filament-mediated cell polarization, Phys. Rev. E 105, (5), 064406: 1-14 (2022)

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  • G. Malaguti and P.R. ten Wolde, Receptor time integration via discrete sampling, Phys. Rev. E 105, (5), 054406: 1-16 (2022)

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  • C. Alkemade, H. Wierenga, V.A. Volkov, M. Preciado López, A. Akhmanova, P.R. ten Wolde, A.M. Dogterom and G.H. Koenderink, Cross-linkers at growing microtubule ends generate forces that drive actin transport, PNAS 119, (11), e2112799119 : 1-12 (2022)

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  • J. Juritz, J.M. Poulton and T.E. Ouldridge, Minimal mechanism for cyclic templating of length-controlled copolymers under isothermal conditions, J. Chem. Phys. 156, (7), 074103: 1-21 (2022)

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  • A. Cumberworth, D. Frenkel and A. Reinhardt, Simulations of DNA-Origami Self-Assembly Reveal Design-Dependent Nucleation Barriers, Nano Lett. 22, (17), 6916-6922 (2022)

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  • L. Olivi, M. Berger, R.N.P. Creyghton, N. De Franceschi, C. Dekker, B.M. Mulder, N.J. Claassens, P.R. ten Wolde and J. van der Oost, Towards a synthetic cell cycle, Nature Commun. 12, (1), 4531: 1-11 (2021)

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  • H. Wierenga, Statistical Mechanics of Cytoskeletal Filaments, VU University Amsterdam, 2021-05-17

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  • G. Malaguti and P.R. ten Wolde, Theory for the optimal detection of time-varying signals in cellular sensing systems, eLife 10, e62574: 1-26 (2021)

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  • M. Meijers, S. Ito and P.R. ten Wolde, Behavior of information flow near criticality, Phys. Rev. E 103, (1), L010102 : 1-5 (2021)

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