• Dutch researchers join forces to build synthetic cell

    The Dutch research consortium BaSyC is taking on the challenge of building a synthetic biological cell. For part of its funding, it has received a grant worth almost € 19 …

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  • Shining Light on Nature’s Raincoat

    The skin of a fungus consists of protein molecules called hydrophobins that together form a protective film. These hydrophobin films show an exceptionally large elasticity and are highly water-repellent, thus …

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  • Computational power of cells

    How can molecular systems or cells be used to perform complex computational tasks? And what is the lowest amount of energy needed to execute such operations? Group leader Pieter Rein …

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  • Computerkracht van cellen

    Hoe kun je moleculaire systemen of cellen gebruiken om complexe parallelle berekeningen uit te voeren? En hoe energie-efficiënt kunnen zulke berekeningen maximaal zijn? Groepsleider Pieter Rein ten Wolde van AMOLF …

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  • Versatile crystal growth for functional materials

    AMOLF researcher Wim Noorduin and fellow scientists Nadir Kaplan, Joanna Aizenberg and L. Mahadevan of Harvard University have developed a model that can be used to accurately describe and predict …

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  • Veelzijdige kristalgroei voor functionele materialen

    AMOLF-onderzoeker Wim Noorduin en zijn collega Nadir Kaplan van Harvard University (VS) ontwikkelden een model waarmee de vorming van een heel scala aan fraaie driedimensionale kristalstructuren nauwkeurig te beschrijven en …

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  • Adolescent worm provides insights into cell development : Canalisation of developing cells unravelled for the first time

    How embryos develop into complex, adult organisms is still a mystery, but researchers at AMOLF have managed to clarify a small part of it. While studying the nematode C. elegans, …

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  • Puberende worm geeft inzicht in celontwikkeling: Kanalisatie van cellen in ontwikkeling voor het eerst in kaart gebracht

    Hoe embryo's zich ontwikkelen tot complexe, volwassen organismen is een raadsel waar AMOLF-onderzoekers nu een klein stukje van hebben opgehelderd. In de rondworm C. elegans ontdekten zij hoe een groepje …

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  • Konrad Meister selected for 67th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

    AMOLF Postdoc Konrad Meister has been selected for the 67th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting that will be held from 25 until 30 June, 2017. Once every year, 30–40 Nobel Laureates …

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  • Formation of amyloid fibrils highly susceptible to salt concentration

    New findings can help explain contradictory research findings regarding Parkinson's and other diseases. By combining two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy, Amsterdam researchers have established that the spatial structure …

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