
Cum Laude for Hugo Doeleman

Published on February 12, 2019
Category Resonant Nanophotonics

On January 18th Hugo Doeleman defended his PhD thesis ‘Hybrid resonators for light trapping and emission control’ at the University of Amsterdam.

Doeleman obtained the Cum Laude degree for his doctorate research. This degree is reserved for the top 5% of the students. Femius Koenderink was the promotor.

During the four years of his doctorate research, Doeleman studied hybrid optical resonators. Current optical resonators can be mostly separated into two classes: the optical cavities, which store light for many thousands or even millions of oscillations, and plasmonic antennas, which squeeze light to sizes well below the wavelength of light. While these have shown impressive results, both approaches suffer from intrinsic drawbacks that limit large-scale implementations. At AMOLF Hugo Doeleman explored how hybrid resonances can overcome these limitations and provide new methods to guide and store light.

Hugo Doeleman wants to continue his career in science. He is currently applying for a postdoctoral position.