Publications - Biochemical Networks

  • W.H. de Ronde and P.R. ten Wolde, Multiplexing oscillatory biochemical signals, Phys. Biol. 11, (2, Article number: 26004), 1-11 (2014)

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  • K. Kaizu, W.H. de Ronde, J. Paijmans, K. Takahashi, F. Tostevin and P.R. ten Wolde, The Berg-Purcell limit revisited, Biophys. J. 106, (4), 976-985 (2014)

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  • P.R. ten Wolde and A. Mugler: Importance of crowding in signaling, genetic, and metabolic networks In: New Models of the Cell Nucleus : Crowding, Entropic Forces, Phase Separation, and Fractals /ed. R. Hancock and K.W. Jeon, Elsevier Academic Press, 2014.

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  • A. Mugler and P.R. ten Wolde: The macroscopic effects of microscopic heterogeneity in cell signaling In: Advances in Chemical Physics, vol. 153 /ed. S.A. Rice and A.R. Dinner, Weinheim: Wiley, 2013.

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  • T.R. Sokolowski, A computational study of robust formation of spatial protein patterns, VU University Amsterdam, 2013-06-14

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  • M.D. Lazova, Design and implementation of a bacterial signaling circuit, VU University Amsterdam, 2013-06-11

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  • S. Boulineau, F. Tostevin, D.J. Kiviet, P.R. ten Wolde, P. Nghe and S.J. Tans, Single-cell dynamics reveals sustained growth during diauxic shifts, PLoS One 8, (4, Article number: 61686), 1-9 (2013)

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  • A. Mugler, F. Tostevin and P.R. ten Wolde, Spatial partitioning improves the reliability of biochemical signaling, PNAS 110, (15), 5927-5932 (2013)

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  • W.H. de Ronde and P.R. ten Wolde, De biologische cel als minicomputer, NTvN 79, (1), 30-34 (2013)

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  • V. Vanguri, C.C. Govern, R. Smith and E.S. Huseby, Viral antigen density and confinement time regulate the reactivity pattern of CD4 T-cell responses to vaccinia virus infection, PNAS 110, (1), 288-293 (2013)

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