• Quantifying topological protection of light on a chip

    Photonic topological insulators are currently at the forefront of on-chip photonic research due to their potential for loss-free information transport. Realized in photonic crystals, they enable robust propagation of optical …

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  • Topology protects light propagation in photonic crystal

    Researchers of AMOLF and TU Delft have seen light propagate in a special material without it suffering from reflections. The material, a photonic crystal, consists of two parts that each …

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  • Licht gaat ongehinderd de hoek om: topologie beschermt lichtgeleiding in fotonisch kristal

    Onderzoekers van AMOLF en TU Delft hebben licht zien voortbewegen in een bijzonder materiaal, waarin het geen last heeft van weerkaatsingen. Het materiaal, een fotonisch kristal, bestaat uit twee delen …

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  • Vibrations on a chip feel a magnetic field

    Using light to couple the strings of a nanoscopic guitar AMOLF physicists have made mechanical vibrations on a chip behave as if they were electrical currents flowing in a magnetic …

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  • Snapshots freezing a nanoswing : Accurate position measurement overcomes thermal fluctuations

    Physicists at AMOLF have managed to cool a swinging nanosized string to near-zero temperature without using external refrigeration. In their experiment, the cooling is an intrinsic result of the ‘snapshot’ …

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  • A Microscopic Roundabout for Light

    AMOLF develops a magnet-free optical circulator Circulators are important components in communication technology. Their unique way of routing light usually requires centimeter-sized magnets, which are difficult to miniaturize for use …

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  • Een microscopisch kleine rotonde voor licht

    AMOLF ontwikkelt een optische circulator zonder magneten Circulatoren zijn belangrijke componenten in communicatietechnologie. De unieke manier waarop ze lichtsignalen rondleiden wordt doorgaans mogelijk gemaakt door magneten. Dit principe is echter …

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  • ERC Starting Grant for Ewold Verhagen

    AMOLF group leader Ewold Verhagen (Photonic Forces) has received a Starting Grant of 1.5 million euros from the European Research Council (ERC). The ERC uses the Starting Grants to support …

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  • Ewold Verhagen appointed professor at Eindhoven University of Technology

    On July 1st, Ewold Verhagen was appointed professor of Nano-optomechanics at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). At TU/e Verhagen is part of the research group Photonics and Semiconductor Nanophysics (PSN) …

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  • Nanoscale motion sends light into overdrive

    Researchers demonstrate record strong conversion of motion into light  AMOLF researchers have developed nanoscale strings whose motion can be converted to light signals with unprecedented strength. This could allow for …

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