On December 6th Sander Mann successfully defended his PhD thesis Quantifying limits and losses in nanoscale photovoltaics at the University of Amsterdam. He obtained the cum laude degree for his …
A team of researchers from the AMOLF-group Nanoscale Solar Cells and Eindhoven University of Technology have developed both a theory and an experimental method that provide the first detailed demonstration …
Onderzoekers uit de Nanoscale Solar Cells groep ontwikkelden samen met de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven een theorie plus experimentele methode waarmee zij voor het eerst in detail laten zien hoe een …
Nanotechnology can improve solar cell efficiencies via directional emission
Researchers from the Nanoscale Solar Cells group at AMOLF together with collaborators from the University of Texas, Austin, and Columbia University, New York, found that nanostructures can enable efficiencies above …
AMOLF group leaders Erik Garnett and Yves Rezus have received an NWO Vidi grant. NWO has awarded 87 experienced researchers a Vidi grant worth 800,000 euros. The grant enables them …
AMOLF-groepsleiders Erik Garnett en Yves Rezus ontvangen elk een NWO Vidi-financiering van 800.000 euro. De Vidi-beurzen worden jaarlijks door NWO toegekend aan ervaren onderzoekers die na hun promotie al een …
AMOLF group leaders publish review article in Science on challenges in photovoltaic energy conversion
Analyzing 16 record-efficiency solar cell materials, the paper presents opportunities to improve photovoltaic efficiency using nanoscale light management and to enhance carrier collection with innovative materials science and engineering strategies.
AMOLF researchers make transparent conductors by means of stamping and growing
Researchers at AMOLF have discovered a new technique for making transparent conductors used in electronics such as solar cells and smartphones. The technique is a combination of a stamping mechanism …
Solar cell researchers combine the best of two worlds with mineral based nanowires
For the first time a team of researchers from FOM Institute AMOLF have synthesized a mineral (AgFeS2) to create semiconducting nanowires. This earth-abundant semiconductor has a direct band gap of …
Core-shell nanowire antennas boost absorption for solar cells
Researchers at the FOM Institute AMOLF have taken the first steps towards making a high performance solar cell by coating metal nanowire electrodes with an ultrathin shell of the absorbing …