• MRS Fall Meeting prizes for Susan Rigter

    At the 2020 Virtual MRS Fall Meeting, PhD student Susan Rigter has won two awards with her poster Amorphous Halide Perovskite Thin Films. First, the Materials Research Society announced that …

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  • Afstudeerprijs voor Susan Rigter

    Susan Rigter heeft de Tata Steel Afstudeerprijs voor Werktuigbouwkunde en Materiaalkunde 2019 gewonnen voor haar scriptie Amorphous Organic-Inorganic Perovskites. De prijs werd uitgereikt tijdens een feestelijke bijeenkomst op 25 november …

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  • Veni grants for Eline Hutter and Sven Askes

    The Dutch Research Council (NWO) awarded Veni grants to AMOLF postdocs Eline Hutter (Hybrid Solar Cells group) and Sven Askes (Nanoscale Solar Cells group). Semiconductor of the future Eline Hutter …

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  • Directivity to improve optical devices

    A team of researchers from AMOLF, Western University (Canada), and the University of Texas (USA) recently demonstrated the use of algorithmic design to create a new type of nanophotonic structure.

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  • Nanoscale solar cells benefit from transistor technique

    An international team of scientists has investigated a new type of charge carrier-selective contact for nanowire solar cells based on the surface-gate effect. Those contacts make use of an effect …

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  • Researchers combine spintronics and nanophotonics in 2D material

    Spintronics in materials of just a few atoms thick is an emerging field in which the ‘spin’ of electrons is used to process data, rather than the charge. Unfortunately, the …

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  • Three AMOLF projects in NWO program Materials for Sustainability

    AMOLF participates in three new research projects that will start with funding through NWO’s program Materials for Sustainability (Mat4Sus). To enable a smooth transition from fossil fuels to a more …

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  • Rubicon award for Sander Mann

    Former AMOLF PhD student Sander Mann has received an NWO Rubicon award to do research at the CUNY Advanced Science Research Center in New York. Mann obtained the cum laude …

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  • Erik Garnett appointed professor of Nanoscale Photovoltaics at the UvA

    Erik Garnett has been named professor by special appointment of Nanoscale Photovoltaics at the University of Amsterdam’s (UvA)  Faculty of Science. The chair was established on behalf of the Foundation …

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  • Nature Energy highlights three terminal configuration publication

    On November 9th the journal Nature Energy highlighted a Nano Letters publication of the Nanoscale Solar Cells group in which they present a new type of tandem solar cell: the …

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