On this page you can find the articles published by the Soft Robotic Matter group. A complete overview of the articles published by Bas Overvelde can be found on Google Scholar and ResearchGate.
Latest Publications
S. Picella, C.M. van Riet and J.T.B. Overvelde, Pneumatic coding blocks enable programmability of electronics-free fluidic soft robots, Sci. Adv. 10, (51) (2024)
H.A.H. Schomaker, S. Picella, A. Küng Garcia, L.C. van Laake and J.T.B. Overvelde, Robust Phototaxis by Harnessing Implicit Communication in Modular Soft Robotic Systems, Adv. Funct. Mater. 34, (29), 2310932: 1-16 (2024)
L. Mogas-Soldevila, J. Duro-Royo, D. Lizardo, G. Hollyer, C.M. Settens, J.M. Cox, J.T.B. Overvelde, E. DiMasi, K. Bertoldi, J.C. Weaver and N. Oxman, Driving macro-scale transformations in three-dimensional-printed biopolymers through controlled induction of molecular anisotropy at the nanoscale, Interface Focus 14, (3), 20230077: 1-11 (2024)
S. Paul, J.T.B. Overvelde, J. Hochhalter and P. Wang, Effects of void geometry on two-dimensional monolithic porous phononic crystals, Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, (21), 212201: 1-8 (2024)
L.C. van Laake, A. Comoretto and J.T.B. Overvelde, On the coexistence of pressure regulation and oscillation modes in soft hysteretic valves, J. Fluid Struct. 126, 104090: 1-27 (2024)
S. Zou, S. Picella, J. de Vries, V.G. Kortman, A. Sakes and J.T.B. Overvelde, A retrofit sensing strategy for soft fluidic robots, Nature Commun. 15, (1), 539: 1-12 (2024)
K. Wang, J.T.B. Overvelde, K. Engelbrecht, R. Bjørk and C.R.H. Bahl, Volume compensation of large-deformation 3D-printed soft elastomeric elastocaloric regenerators, Appl. Phys. Lett. 123, (22), 223904: 1-8 (2023)