F.W. Saris, B.F.J. Luyken, F.J. de Heer and J.F.M. Aarts: Absolute calibration of intensity in the far ultraviolet a) by means of ion or electron impact; b) using a microwave cavity as a monochromatic light sourceIn: Symposium ESRO [European Space Research Organisation], Munich, 27-29 May,1968, [s.n.], 1969. - pp. 67-74
J.G. Bannenberg and A. Tip: A calibration system for total-pressure gauges in the range 10-3-10-5 torrIn: Proceedings of the Fourth International Vacuum Congress Manchester, [s.n.], 1968. - pp. 609-612
J. Kistemaker, D. Onderdelinden, F.W. Saris and W.F. van der Weg: The interaction of heavy particles with metal surfacesIn: Proceedings of the Fourth International Vacuum Congress, Manchester, April 1968, The Institute of Physics and The Physical Society, 1968. - pp. 164-174
J. Kistemaker: Some reflections at the end of the conferenceIn: A Survey of Phenomena in Ionized Gases : Invited Papers : a Collection of Invited Papers presented at the Eighth International Conference on Phenomena on Ionized Gases, IAEA, 1968. - pp. 683-691
F.W. Saris, H. Roukens and J. Kistemaker: Experimental detection of transition radiation in the far ultraviolet regionIn: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Vienna, 1967 : Contributed Papers, Cham: Springer, 1967.
J. Politiek, P.K. Rol, J.H. Los, D. Onderdelinden and J.J.M. Schipper: A molecular beam apparatus for the 0-50 eV regionIn: Rarefied Gas Dynamics : Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, held at the University of Oxford, 1966 /ed. C.L. Brundin, Academic Press, 1967. - pp. 1443-1453
H.H. Brongersma, J.A. van der Hart and L.J. Oosterhoff: Interaction of low energy electrons with moleculesIn: Fast reactions and Primary Processes in Chemical Kinetics : Proceedings of the Fifth Nobel Symposium held August 28-September 2, 1967 at Södergarn, Lidingo, in the County of Stockholm /ed. S. Claesson, Almqvist & Wiksell, 1967. - pp. 211-223
D. Onderdelinden and J. Kistemaker: Channeling phenomenon and single crystal sputteringIn: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Vienna, 1967 : Contributed Papers, Spinger, 1967.
H.J. Hopman and T. Matitti: Parameter dependence of low and high frequency instabilities in a beam-plasma experimentIn: Proceedings of Conference on Physics of Quiescent Plasmas, Frascati, January 10-13, 1967, EURATOM, 1967. - pp. 447-459
J. Politiek, J.H. Los and J.J.M. Schipper: Total cross-section measurements for K on He in the energy range of 0.35 to 16.5 eVIn: Recent Advances in Aerothermochemistry : a Selection of Technical Papers from the 7th AGARD Colloquium, Oslo, Norway, May 16-20, 1966 /ed. I. Glassmann, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 1967. - pp. 411-422