J. van Eck, F.J. de Heer and J. Kistemaker: Interaction of Li+ ions with H2 and He in the energy range of 5 to 25 keVIn: Proceedings Fifth International Conference on Ionization Phenomena in Gases, Munich 28 August - 1 September 1961, Vol. 1 /ed. H. Maecker, North-Holland, 1962. - pp. 54-59
J.M. Fluit, L. Friedman, J. van Eck, C. Snoek and J. Kistemaker: Photons and metastable atoms produced in sputtering experiments (5-20 keV)In: Proceedings Fifth International Conference on Ionization Phenomena in Gases, Munich, 28 August - 1 September 1961, Vol. 1 /ed. H. Maecker, North Holland, 1962. - pp. 131-149
A.E. de Vries: Some chemical problems connected with the electro-magnetic separation of isotopesIn: Electromagnetic Separation of Radioactive Isotopes : Proceedings of the International Symposium held in Vienna, May 23-25, 1960 /ed. M.J. Higatsberger and F.P. Viehb, Cham: Springer, 1961. - pp. 250-256
P.K. Rol, J.M. Fluit and J. Kistemaker: Sputtering experiments with the Amsterdam electromagnetic isotope separatorIn: Electromagnetic Separation of Radioactive Isotopes : Proceedings of the International Symposium held in Vienna, May 23-25, 1960 /ed. M.J. Higatsberger and F.P. Viehb, Cham: Springer, 1961. - pp. 207-218
J. Schutten: Measurement of ultra-high VacuaIn: Advances in Vacuum Science and Technology : Proceedings of the First International Congress on Vacuum Techniques, 10-13 June, 1958, Namur, Belgium /ed. E.W. Thomas, Pergamon Press, 1960. - pp. 414-417
T.J.M. Sluyters, E. de Haas and J. Kistemaker: Interactions between 5-24 KeV ions or neutrals and gas moleculesIn: Proceedings of the fourth International Conference on Ionization Phenomena in Gases , (Uppsala 17-21 August 1959) /ed. N.R. Nilsson, North-Holland, 1960. - pp. 60-64
P.K. Rol, J.M. Fluit, F.P. Viehb and M.R. de Jong: Sputtering of copper-monocrystals by bombardment with 20 keV Ar+In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Ionization Phenomena in Gases, Uppsala 17-21 August 1959 /ed. N.R. Nilsson, North-Holland, 1960. - pp. 257-259
A.E. de Vries and R.A. Haring: An improvement on age determination by the C14 methodIn: 2nd UN Geneva Conference (1959), Pergamon Press, 1959. - pp. 249-250