Publications - Photonic Materials

  • A. Polman, B. Min, J. Kalkman, T.J. Kippenberg and K.J. Vahala, Ultralow-threshold erbium-implanted toroidal microlaser on silicon, Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 1037-1039 (2004)

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  • H. Isshiki, M.J.A. de Dood, T. Kimura and A. Polman: Erbium-silicon-oxide nano-complexes prepared by wet chemical synthesis In: Optoelectronics of group-IV-based materials: symposia April 21-April 25, 2003, San Francisco, CA /ed. T. Gregorkiewics, Pittsburgh: MRS, 2004.

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  • S. Roorda, T. van Dillen, A. Polman, C. Graf, A. van Blaaderen and B.J. Kooi, Aligned gold nanorods in silica made by ion irradiation of core-shell colloidal particles, Adv. Mater. 16, 235-237 (2004)

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  • B. Min, T.J. Kippenberg, L. Yang, K.J. Vahala, J. Kalkman and A. Polman: Low threshold erbium-implanted toroidal microcavity laser In: [Proceedings of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), May 2004, San Francisco], OPG, 2004. - pp. 1-3

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  • B.L. Lachut, S. Maier, H.A. Atwater, M.J.A. de Dood, A. Polman, R. Hagen and S. Kostromine, Large spectral birefringence in photoaddressable polymer films, Adv. Mater. 16, 1746-1750 (2004)

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  • T. van Dillen, M.J.A. de Dood, J.J. Penninkhof, A. Polman, S. Roorda and A.J. Vredenberg, Ion beam-induced anisotropic plastic deformation of silicon microstructures, Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 3591-3593 (2004)

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  • J.S. Biteen, A.L. Tchebotareva, A. Polman, N.S. Lewis and H.A. Atwater: Controlled passivation and luminescence blue shifts of isolated silicon nanocrystals In: Optoelectronics of group-IV-based materials: symposia held April 21-April 25, 2003, San Francisco, CA /ed. T. Gregorkiewics, Pittsburgh: MRS, 2004.

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  • S. Maier, P.G. Kik, L.A. Sweatlock, H.A. Atwater, J.J. Penninkhof, A. Polman, S. Meltzer, E. Harel, A.A.G. Requicha and B.E. Koel: Energy transport in metal nanoparticle plasmon waveguides In: Nanostructuring materials with energetic beams: symposia held April 21-April 25, 2003, San Francisco, California /ed. A. Meldrum, S. Roorda and H. Bernas, Pittsburgh: MRS, 2004.

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  • B. Min, T.J. Kippenberg, L. Yang, K.J. Vahala, J. Kalkman and A. Polman, Erbium-implanted high-Q silica toroidal microcavity laser on a silicon chip, Phys. Rev. A 70, (Article number: 33803), 1-12 (2004)

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  • M.J.A. de Dood, J. Kalkman, C. Strohhöfer, J.C.F. Michielsen and J.A. van der Elsken, Hidden transition in the "unfreezable water" region of the PVP-water system, J. Phys. Chem. B 107, 5906-5913 (2003)

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