• Virus particles in a doughnut-shaped chamber form fixed patterns

    Large biomolecules in a small space spontaneously form symmetrical patterns. Researchers from FOM institute AMOLF discovered this together with colleagues from Oxford and Jülich when they confined rod-shaped virus particles …

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  • Virusdeeltjes in een donut volgen vast patroon

    Grote biomoleculen in een kleine ruimte vormen spontaan symmetrische patronen. Dit ontdekten onderzoekers van FOM-instituut AMOLF samen met collega's uit Oxford en Jülich toen zij staafvormige virusdeeltjes opsloten in ronde …

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  • How do collagen networks protect biological tissues from damage?

    The Biological Soft Matter group of Gijsje Koenderink published a paper in Nature Physics in which they report a new model that explains the remarkable mechanical strength of collagen matrices.

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  • A biological escape room: AMOLF researchers finally get an outside glimpse of protein aggregates that cause diabetes

    Researchers from FOM Institute AMOLF have, for the first time ever, managed to make an image of the exterior structure of a protein aggregate that causes diseases like Alzheimer and …

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  • Researchers discover that hairpins can make a polymer spaghetti fluid

    Researchers from FOM Institute AMOLF and the German Forschungzentrum Jülich have discovered why polymers in a solution become fluid if the solution is stirred. They discovered that the polymer structure …

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  • Gijsje Koenderink head of Systems Biophysics department

    On July 1,2014, Gijsje Koenderink has been appointed head of the AMOLF Systems Biophysics Department. Koenderink succeeds Marileen Dogterom, who moved to the TU Delft in January. Bela Mulder was …

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  • Building the ring to divide them all: septin proteins bundle actin filaments into a ring

    Researchers of the FOM Institute AMOLF and of Marseille and Paris have demonstrated that cells require a protein called septin to build a ring of actin filaments. This ring of …

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