• C.A. Visser, Geologisch onderzoek, Polytech. Tijdschr. E 17, 10-16 (1962)

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  • H.A. Tasman and T. Babeliowsky, Influence of the temperature of the condensing wall on the pumping speed of a glass mercury diffusion pump, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 33, 872-873 (1962)

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  • R. Son and W. Tebra, Plasmaonderzoek, Polytech. Tijdschr. E 17, 22-30 (1962)

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  • T. Babeliowsky, Measurement of chemical equilibrium with the mass spectrometer and the influence of residual gases, Physica 28, 1150-1154 (1962)

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  • F. van der Valk and A.E. de Vries, Einfluß einer dritten Komponente auf die Thermodiffusion in binären Isotopengemischen, Kernenergie 5, 280-284 (1962)

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  • D. Heymann and J.M. Fluit, Sputtering by 20-Kev Ar+ ions at normal incidence on meteorites, J. Geophys. Res. 67, 2921-2924 (1962)

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  • H.N.A. Priem, N.A.I.M. Boelrijk and A.J.H. Boerboom, Lead isotope studies of the lead-zinc deposits of southern Limburg, The Netherlands, Geol. Mijnb. 41, 430-437 (1962)

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  • D. Heymann and O.A. Schaeffer, Constancy of cosmic rays in time, Physica 28, 1318-1323 (1962)

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  • J. van Eck, F.J. de Heer and J. Kistemaker, Excitation processes in helium and polarization of the resulting light induced by proton impact (5-35 keV), Physica 28, 1184-1190 (1962)

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  • J.G. Bannenberg and F.G. Insinger, Improved vacuum switch for capacitor-discharge service, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 33, 1106-1107 (1962)

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