• C.P. Bhalla, K-shell Auger rates, transition energies, and fluorescence yields of variously ionized states of argon, Phys. Rev. A 8, 2877-2882 (1973)

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  • D.J. Auerbach, M.M. Hubers, A.P.M. Baede and J.H. Los, Chemi-ionization in alkali-heteronuclear halogen collisions: role of excited molecular ion states, Chem. Phys. 2, 107-118 (1973)

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  • J.H.F.M. Schopman, P.G. Fournier and J.H. Los, The dissociation of 10 keV HeH+ molecular ions IV. Rotational predissociation of the X1S state, Physica 63, 518-526 (1973)

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  • N. Stolterfoht, F.J. de Heer and J. van Eck, Charge-state dependence of the argon L-shell fluorescence yield studied by H+, H2+, and He+ impact, Phys.Rev.Lett. 30, 1159-1162 (1973)

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  • A.P.H. Goede, G.J. Brakenhoff, H.J. Hopman and P. Massmann, Properties of an extremely quiescent plasma stabilized with permanent magnets, Plasma Phys. 15, 977-993 (1973)

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  • F.R. McCourt and A. Tip, Kinetic theory of vibrational relaxation in a radiation field: the optic-acoustic effect, J. Stat. Phys. 8, 57-78 (1973)

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  • G.A.L. Delvigne and J.H. Los, Numerical calculation of the classical deflection function, Physica 63, 339-350 (1973)

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  • C.P. Bhalla and P. Richard, Role of Coster-Kronig transitions in multiply-ionized states formed in heavy-ion collisions, Phys. Lett. A 45, 53-54 (1973)

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  • F.W.E. Knoop and L.J. Oosterhoff, Low-energy electron impact excitation of 1,3,5-trans-hexatriene, Chem. Phys. Lett. 22, 247-248 (1973)

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  • C.P. Bhalla, Dependence of K-shell fluorescence yields on multiplet states of neon, Phys. Lett. A 46, 185-186 (1973)

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