• W.F. van der Weg, W.H. Kool and H.E. Roosendaal, Proton induced X-ray emission compared with proton backscattering for surface analysis, Surf. Sci. 35, 413-414 (1973)

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  • F.W. Byron, C.J. Joachain and M.J. van der Wiel, On the double ionization of helium-like atoms by high-energy electron impact, J. Phys. B: At., Mol. Opt. Phys. 6, 375-377 (1973)

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  • J. Kistemaker, Electrotechnische ontwikkelingen tussen 1865 en 1885, Sci. Hist. 1, 3-6 (1973)

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  • W.F. van der Weg, W.H. Kool, H.E. Roosendaal and F.W. Saris, Silicon surface studies by means of proton backscattering and proton induced x-ray emission, Radiat. Eff. 17, 245-252 (1973)

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  • C.A. van de Runstraat, T.R. Govers, W.B. Maier and R.F. Holland, Extension of the Meinel system of N2+ to high vibrational levels of the A 2Õu state, Chem. Phys. Lett. 18, 549-552 (1973)

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  • A.J.H. Boerboom and M.F. Laranjeira, The application of Liouville's theorem in mass spectrometry, Port. Phys. 8, 245-259 (1973)

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  • Y.N. Demkov and J.H. Los, The giant glory effect in atomic collisions, Phys. Lett. A 46, 13-14 (1973)

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  • C.P. Bhalla, Production of multiply-ionized states of argon in heavy-ion collisions, Phys. Lett. A 45, 123-124 (1973)

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  • C. Backx and M.J. van der Wiel, Een tweevoudige en drievoudige coïncidentietechniek voor het bepalen van de oscillatorsterkte voor de vorming van iontoestanden, NTvN 39, 78-81 (1973)

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  • C. Backx, M. Klewer and M.J. van der Wiel, "Photofluorescence" by electron impact: determination of the relative oscillator strength for formation of the B2S state of CO+, Chem. Phys. Lett. 20, 100-103 (1973)

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