Publications - Soft Robotic Matter

  • N. Vasios, A.J. Gross, S. Soifer, J.T.B. Overvelde and K. Bertoldi, Harnessing Viscous Flow to Simplify the Actuation of Fluidic Soft Robots, Soft Robotics 7, (1), 1-9 (2020)

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  • A. Iniguez-Rabago, Y. Li and J.T.B. Overvelde, Exploring Multistability in Prismatic Metamaterials through Local Actuation, Nature Commun. 10, 5577: 1-10 (2019)

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  • J.T.B. Overvelde, How to print multi-material devices in one go, Nature 575, 289-290 (2019)

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  • G. Ruairi, V. Abramovic and J.T.B. Overvelde: Edge of Chaos: Towards intelligent architecture through distributed control systems based on Cellular Automata In: ACADIA, 38th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, Mexico, , 2018. - pp. 226-231

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  • J.T.B. Overvelde, Programeerbare metamaterialen, NTvN, 243-245 (2018)

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  • Y. Mulla, G. Oliveri, J.T.B. Overvelde and G.H. Koenderink, Crack Initiation in Viscoelastic Materials, Phys.Rev.Lett. 120, (26), 268002: 1-6 (2018)

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  • J.T.B. Overvelde, J.C. Weaver, C. Hoberman and K. Bertoldi: Reconfigurable Prismatic Architected Materials In: Active Matter /ed. S. Tibbits, Cambridge: MIT Press, 2017. - pp. 279-286

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  • J.T.B. Overvelde, J.C. Weaver, C. Hoberman and K. Bertoldi, Rational design of reconfigurable prismatic architected materials, Nature 541, (7637), 347-352 (2017)

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  • S. Babaee, J.T.B. Overvelde, E.R. Chen, V. Tournat and K. Bertoldi, Reconfigurable Origami-inspired Acoustic Waveguides, Sci. Adv. 2, (11, Article number: e1601019), 1-8 (2016)

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  • J.T.B. Overvelde, D.M.J. Dykstra, R. de Rooij, J.C. Weaver and K. Bertoldi, Tensile instability in a thick elastic body, Phys.Rev.Lett. 117, (Article number: 094301), 1-16 (2016)

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