From rigid to amorphous folding behavior in origami-inspired metamaterials with bistable hinges

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Reference A. Iniguez-Rabago and J.T.B. Overvelde, From rigid to amorphous folding behavior in origami-inspired metamaterials with bistable hinges, Extreme Mech. Lett. 56, 101881: 1-6 (2022)
Group Soft Robotic Matter

The folding behavior of origami-inspired metamaterials is often described by linear rotational springs and rigid faces. However, other folding modes and multistatbility appears when assuming elastic faces, specially when assuming (non-euclidean) crease patterns in 2D or 3D where a high number of hinges meet at their vertices. Instead, here we study multistability by exploring the use of non-linear material behavior implemented as bistable hinges. By drawing a similitude to atomic crystals, we are able to classify the complex folding behavior that non-linear elastic origami metamaterials undergo, where we identify transitions from rigid to elastic to amorphous behavior upon increasing the strength of the bistability. As a result, our study gives a better understanding and provides a tool to control multistable metamaterials for future applications.