H. Kwon, C.E.A. Cordaro, D.L. Sounas, A. Polman and A. Alù, Dual-Polarization Analog 2D Image Processing with Nonlocal Metasurfaces, ACS Photonics 7, (7), 1799-1805 (2020)
F. Uleman, V. Neder, C.E.A. Cordaro, A. Alù and A. Polman, Resonant Metagratings for Spectral and Angular Control of Light for Colored Rooftop Photovoltaics, ACS Appl.Energy Mater. 3, (4), 3150-3156 (2020)
M. Solà-Garcia, S. Meuret, T. Coenen and A. Polman, Electron-Induced State Conversion in Diamond NV Centers Measured with Pump−Probe Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopy, ACS Photonics 7, (1), 232-240 (2020)
T.H. Fung, T. Veeken, D.N.R. Payne, B. Veettil, A. Polman and M. Abbott, Application and validity of the effective medium approximation to the optical properties of nano-textured silicon coated with a dielectric layer, Opt. Express 27, (26), 38645-38660 (2019)
C.E.A. Cordaro, H. Kwong, D.L. Sounas, A.F. Koenderink, A. Alù and A. Polman, High-index dielectric metasurfaces performing mathematical operations, Nano Lett. 19, (12), 8418-8423 (2019)