Publications - Photonic Materials

  • B. Ehrler, E. Alarcón-Lladó, S.W. Tabernig, T. Veeken, E.C. Garnett and A. Polman, Photovoltaics Reaching for the Shockley–Queisser Limit, ACS Energy Lett. 5, (9), 3029-3033 (2020)

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  • A.F. Koenderink, R.D. Buijs, T.A.W. Wolterink, N.J. Schilder and E. Verhagen: A library-based approach to super resolution metrology and localization without imaging In: Proc. SPIE 11462, Plasmonics: Design, Materials, Fabrication, Characterization, and Applications XVIII,1146208, SPIE-The International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2020.

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  • N. van Nielen, M. Hentschel, N.J. Schilder, H. Giessen, A. Polman and N. Talebi, Electrons Generate Self-Complementary Broadband Vortex Light Beams Using Chiral Photon Sieves, Nano Lett. 20, (8), 5975-5981 (2020)

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  • R.D. Buijs, N.J. Schilder, T.A.W. Wolterink, G. Gerini, A.F. Koenderink and E. Verhagen: Sub-diffractive spatial information retrieval from far-field images In: Imaging and Applied Optics Congres, paper CTh4C., OSA Technical Digest, 2020.

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  • H. Kwon, C.E.A. Cordaro, D.L. Sounas, A. Polman and A. Alù, Dual-Polarization Analog 2D Image Processing with Nonlocal Metasurfaces, ACS Photonics 7, (7), 1799-1805 (2020)

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  • N.J. Schilder, H. Agrawal, E.C. Garnett and A. Polman, Phase-Resolved Surface Plasmon Scattering Probed by Cathodoluminescence Holography, ACS Photonics 7, (6), 1476-1482 (2020)

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  • F. Uleman, V. Neder, C.E.A. Cordaro, A. Alù and A. Polman, Resonant Metagratings for Spectral and Angular Control of Light for Colored Rooftop Photovoltaics, ACS Appl.Energy Mater. 3, (4), 3150-3156 (2020)

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  • M. Solà-Garcia, S. Meuret, T. Coenen and A. Polman, Electron-Induced State Conversion in Diamond NV Centers Measured with Pump−Probe Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopy, ACS Photonics 7, (1), 232-240 (2020)

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  • T.H. Fung, T. Veeken, D.N.R. Payne, B. Veettil, A. Polman and M. Abbott, Application and validity of the effective medium approximation to the optical properties of nano-textured silicon coated with a dielectric layer, Opt. Express 27, (26), 38645-38660 (2019)

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  • E. Kontoleta, Photosynthesis of nanomaterials with optical resonances, University of Amsterdam UvA, 2019-12-05

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